Juicy Grapefruit by Anastasiia Morozova

Colour focus, Spring/Summer, Step by Step
Add a zing to your art with this fresh twist on a fruity mani by LeChat Nails educator, Anastasiia Morozova…
Step 1

Mix Perfect Match #52 and #193 to create a light pink color, apply to nail, and flash cure for 5 seconds
Step 2

Mix Perfect Match #01 and #97 to make the perfect grapefruit skin color. Paint a curved line around the bottom two thirds of the base of the nail, extending slightly up towards the middle of one side of the nail. Cure for 30 seconds.
Step 3

Use Perfect Match #07 to paint a curved line on top of the last line, extending farther up one side to near the tip of the nail. You are creating the skin and inner layer of the grapefruit peel. Add a small semi-circle to the side of the nail opposite where your line ends.
Step 4

Using Perfect Match #07, lightly outline teardrop shapes reaching from the semi-circle all the way to the last line you painted, starting at one end of the semi-circle and moving towards the other. This is creating the detail on the inside of the fruit. Flash cure for five seconds.
Step 5

Using Perfect Match 52, create soft shadow lines inside the teardrop shapes you just created. Cure for 30 seconds.
Step 6

Using Perfect Match 35, add small seeds inside each teardrop shape, and make small dots around your grapefruit skin to add texture. Cure for 30 seconds.
Step 7

Apply Perfect Match High Gloss Top Coat and cure for 30 seconds.
Step 8

Take your Gelee top coat and create a 3D effect by painting lines inside the tear drop shaped grapefruit segments, flash curing after each line to prevent the top coat from spreading. You can also add a few drops of Gelee to the peel to create the appearance of moisture. When finished, cure for 30 seconds and wipe with Gelee cleanser to remove tacky layer.

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