How to create this spooky stamped skeleton design for Halloween

Seasonal & Occasions, Step by Step
Create this spooky stamped skeleton nail style using products from Moyra.
Step 1

To create a pale base, use Mini Gel Polish in 220 White and cure. Using the Moyra Effects Brush, dab Pigment Powders in shades 37 and 51 onto the tacky layer.
Step 2

Apply a coat of Flexi Base and cure.
Step 3

Taking the White shade of the Painting Gel and Stamping Gel, apply to the nail using the Ombré Sponge.
Step 4

Taking the Stamping Plate in 114 Free Falling, add the Stamping Polish in White to apply a dancing skeleton stamp.
Step 5

To darken the border with a spooky tree design, take the Stamping Plate in 114 Free Falling and apply the Stamping Polish in Smart Black.
Step 6

Go in with the PiXI Stamper and Scraper to pick up the same design on a stamper and remove unwanted areas.
Step 7

Apply the adjusted stamped design to the nail.
Step 8

Using the Moyra Stamping Plate in 55 Fall, apply Stamping Polish in Black and cure
Apply stamped bat with black stamping polish & apply top coat. Cure
(We used Moyra stamping plate 55 Fall & Smart stamping polish black)

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