Euro 2024: How to create a football pitch nail design

Seasonal & Occasions, Step by Step
Francesca Paliotto is an Italian nail artist & educator. She has been awarded 27 Nailympia Competitions medals, as well as an Art Winner of Winners accolade and two Winner of Winners trophies. Here, she shares how to paint a salon-friendly football pitch design on a nail.
Step 1

Prep the nail and apply two coats of green gel polish, curing after each application.
Step 2

Using white gel paint and a fine liner brush, paint a horizontal line across the nail to divide it in half. Cure.
Step 3

Continuing with the white shade and brush, paint lines on the top and bottom areas of the nail to represent the penalty and goal areas. Cure.
Step 4

Use a dotting tool and white gel paint to add the centre and penalty marks to the field design. Cure.
Step 5

With the white gel paint and fine liner brush, paint a circle shape around the centre mark to create the centre circle. Cure.
Step 6

Using a dotting tool and your choice of gel paint (I chose blue), add 11 dots to create the formation of the first team’s players. Cure.
Step 7

Using a dotting tool and your choice of gel paint (I chose yellow), add 11 dots to create the formation of the second team’s players. Cure.
Step 8

Apply a glossy top coat and cure.

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