Galaxy-inspired August 2018 Scratch cover nails

Celina aug cover nails square

Step by Step

Light Elegance brand ambassador, Celina Rydén, reveals how to create Scratch magazine’s August 2018 cover nails, using Light Elegance products and Swarovski crystals.

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Step 1
Prep the nails for enhancements.
Step 2
Use forms and Light Elegance UK Natural Fiber to create the desired shape.
Step 3
Build the apex and structure.
Step 4
Shape the nails and smooth them of any bumps or imperfections.
Step 5
Apply a coat of Light Elegance Black Tie Buttercream Gel.
Step 6
Start creating the galaxy design on four of the nails.
Step 7
Add tiny stars using Light Elegance UK White Gel Paint and a dotting tool.
Step 8
On the other nails, use the Fluff Daddy nail art brush together with the Mediterranean Premium Pretty Powder and dab that to half of the nail into the tacky layer of the Black Tie.
Step 9
Without curing, dab Amethyst Premium Pretty powder to the other half of the nail and blend the two colours together. Do not cure.
Step 10
Apply Celeste Premium Pretty Powder to the entire nail. Cure.
Step 11
Apply 1-Step to the nails to secure the pigment and prepare them for nail art.
Step 12
Paint your desired design using the Celina Rydén Signature Series Nail Art Brushes and Light Elegance UK White Gel Paint. Flash cure regularly to prevent smearing.
Step 13
Use the Stripy brush to paint long, thin lines on the next nail using the White Gel Paint.
Step 14
Apply Swarovski Crystals to two of the galaxy nails in a cluster and cure.
Step 15
Add some 1-Step around the cluster and fade it down to the tip. Next, pour Swarovski CrystalPixie to the wet part of the nail and let it set into the gel.
Step 16
Use a dotting tool to move the CrystalPixie around the nail to flatten.
Step 17
Apply LEUK Flat Matte to the pigment nails and Super Shiny on the galaxy nails, but be careful not to cover the crystals.