Casper the Ghost nail step-by-step – from an award-winning nail artist

Seasonal & Occasions, Step by Step
Freehand nail artist, Gemma Dawson, has created this Casper the Ghost nail design and shares a step-by-step for the nail art.
Step 1

Start by painting the nail white adding a matte top coat. Cure between layers.
Step 2

Outline the basic head shape using black gel paint.
Step 3

Add the outline of his arms, body and facial features, using his chin dip as a guide.
Step 4

Add the iris outline to his eyes. Cure.
Step 5

Mix dark blue gel paint with clear topcoat to make a sheer dark blue. Use this to add shading to the outline.
Step 6

You can add an additional layer of shading if you think you need to, this will also give you a sense of depth which helps with his translucent ghost effect.
Step 7

Colour his eyes in a dark blue and paint your background colour. Use black mixed with topcoat to shade inside his mouth. Add his pupils, eyelids and eyebrows then cure.
Step 8

Add some stars to the sky, and matte top coat. Cure.

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