‘Brat’ green is summer’s latest colour trend: get involved with nail inspiration & products

Colour focus, Trends

Take a look at social media and it won’t be long before you are told that it’s a ‘brat summer’. Move over Barbie pink, summer 2024’s colour of the moment is ‘brat green’: a hue inspired by the release of British pop star, Charli XCX’s sixth studio album, Brat. Its cover displays a bright green hue and the word ‘brat’: now both synonymous with the musician.

The ‘offensive, off-trend shade of green to trigger the idea of something being wrong’, as described by the singer to Vogue Singapore, is making waves across areas from fashion, make-up and nails to food and politics.

In a TikTok video, Charli XCX explained the meaning of the word ‘brat’, commenting: “You’re that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown, but parties through it. It’s very honest, it’s very blunt, a little bit volatile.”

Charli Xcx Brat


Get involved with the summer trend, with our roundup of brat green nail designs and products…