What to do during a slow spell at work
By Scratch Staff | 24 October 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

Naomi Mogg, educator for ASP, reveals how to make the most of any business downtime…
If your business is suffering from a dip in clients in the lead-up to the Christmas rush, there are a number of ways you can increase your turnover and keep thriving.
Consider giving your VIP clients an exclusive deal, such as money off an existing treatment for every new customer they bring to your business throughout October and November. Loyal clients will love to feel appreciated and proud that they can help you out, which just adds to the incentive.
What about refreshing your skills on a quiet day? Spend some time learning and practicing a new technique or invest your money and go on a course to boost your CPD but also give you extra revenue in the quiet times.
If you went to the latest industry trade exhibitions and came back brimming with new ideas, use your time now to implement the changes for your business.
Clear out and tidy your work environment before the craziness of Christmas hits and perhaps even practice some Christmas nail art to showcase to your clients; saving some time as December creeps in. Start researching product options and retail offerings for the festive season with your supplier and begin to stock up on those all-important red, gold and sparkly shades.
I’m sure you had a great summer and saw a surge in pedicures as clients embraced sandals and flip-flops. Remind them that toe care shouldn’t stop in autumn/winter.
It’s down to you to be enthusiastic about promoting pedi services and why they’re imperative to foot health all year round.
Pedicures in the winter with beautiful products and fragrances can truly warm the soul, so keep your clients happy and your overturn high by thinking outside the box.
Use your quiet times wisely and before you know it, it will be the crazy onslaught of Christmas and we’ll all be complaining that we are ‘too’ busy again!
ASP products are available via www.salon-services.com

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