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Want to create the perfect smile line?

By Alex Fox | 16 January 2021 | Expert Advice, Feature, Training

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Tracey Lee of Beauty2trs highlights her own course, which focus’ on the creation of the perfect smileline.

If you’re looking to learn more about the tips & tricks to make beautiful sharp smilelines in gel, acrylic, acrygel or all three, check out the lessons ‘Create Your Perfect Smileline’.

How to make your smileline really smile!

What is the secret to a beautiful, sharp smile line? Is it product control, is it the application, is it the right products or is it a combination of all this together?

Yes, all three: product control, the right application and an insight into the products you use so you can apply them successfully. And then there’s “THE WALL” or the wall.

For a successful smileline application you need to build a wall. What exactly is the wall? The wall is a ledge of product built up on the edges of the smileline to separate the nail bed from the extension edge.

What needs to be done for this wall to perform properly?

a. The wall should be made at an angle of 90 degrees to the nail plate.


The wall should be made at an angle of 90 degrees to the nail plate. 

b. It should run from the corner of the smileline to the deepest part of the smileline and back to the other corner. The wall must be visible along the entire length of the smileline.

It should run from the corner of the smileline to the deepest part of the smileline and back to the other corner. The wall must be visible along the entire length of the smileline.


c. The wall must be perfectly mirrored left and right.

The wall must be perfectly mirrored left and right.

d. You also want to make sure that your product is even on the top of the nail bed, closest to the wall. If there are too many bumps here, it can cause the smileline there to look faded, uneven and not sharp. Check out this practical and drawn example of what happens when the top surface is not crisp and even.


Wrong application

The smileline wall is not 90 degrees and is uneven with the top surface






When you apply colour, your smileline is no longer sharp and smooth.




Correct application

The smileline wall is at 90 degrees and is flush with the top surface







When you apply colour, your smileline is sharp and even.

About Tracey Lee

Tracey Lee

Tracey Lee has been a nail professional since 2003. Her journey in nails has been very varied, having worked and participated in various aspects of the industry including: salon owner, education, marketing, product development, consulting, judging, competitor to name a few.

Tracey is a regular contributor of articles and step-by-steps in national and international trade magazines.

Tracey’s focus now is more on the role of coach/judge, however in the past she has won several international competitions. A highlight of her career was in 2017 when she took the title of NAILS Magazines Next Top Nail Artist, an online competition spanning 8 months. One of the prizes of this competition was an invitation to New York Fashion Week with the CND Team. Since her first visit, Tracey has been working with the CND Teams on designs for New York, Paris and London Fashion Weeks.

Tracey’s motto is: “Education is the KEY – Keep Educating Yourself”. It is for this reason that she decided to launch Beauty2trs – an online nail and beauty education platform.

She continues to educate herself and share her knowledge and experience with others through education.

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