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How the local press can boost your beauty career

By Guest Writer | 19 January 2018 | Business, Expert Advice, Feature

Tom ferris headshot

Tom Ferris, owner of Blackwell Ferris Marketing, reveals why you should be using your local newspapers and social media groups to spread the word about your services…

The local press was a key way to getting exposure. Local press will be on board with many salon stories and events as it resonates with readers and  in their interest to inlude content that readers want to read. Local papers enjoy local business stories, so whenever you’re nominated for awards, have open days or move premises then get in touch with them as often its free exposure to people in your area – which is where most of your clients will be!

Here’s my suggested plan of action…

  1. Buy a copy of the local paper, head over to its website or search Facebook for local pages. Look for groups such as town or guide news groups or even ‘Free, for sale and wanted’ pages
  2. Look to see who owns the pages or groups. For local press, just look up who the business writer is. Look for business-related articles and see who the writer is and jot down their email address. Their details will either be at the start orend of the article or on one of the first pages of the paper. If in doubt, go to the paper’s website and look up a features or staff writer
  3. Write a short and polite email outlining who you are and that you’re starting up and you’d like to invite readers (and the writer!) to your launch event.

They should arrange a date to come and see you, or accept they will come to the event. They also may send a photographer along to take pictures – so make your salon or set-up is presentable!

For more advice on getting your business noticed, visit