#TRENDINGTUESDAY Alexandra Cassells

By Kat Hill | 25 April 2017 | Feature, Tech Talk

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We want to see the designs trending at your nail desk!

“I think floral nails for spring will always be popular but the cooler colours and edgier designs keep it fresh and modern,” explains Alexandra Cassells. “My clients always look to me to give them something a little different, and unique – they never have the same design twice! They have their own style, and some have a really cool and quirky look so the traditional pastels and daisies just wouldn’t cut it! I like to choose colours based on what my clients will love rather than just the seasonal norms.

“My clients are more keen than ever to experiment with the more unconventional shades to get a unique look and are much less likely to play it safe as they would when they first came to me! Soft greys, dusky pinks, sage greens and other earthy tones have been very popular as opposed to the strong metallic grays, plums and reds from winter.”