Tracy Sutton shares five ways to limit your impact on the environment

By Sophie Nutt | 13 June 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature, Sustainability & the environment

Beauty waste

Our industry’s war with waste is significant. Public awareness surrounding packaging, plastic pollution and the environment is at its highest due to media coverage, new regulations and reports. No one knows the absolute right thing to do in order to solve the issue, and everyone has different values and approaches, however there are a number of changes nail professionals can make to practice sustainability and ‘do their bit’ to reduce the environmental impact – however small – on the planet.

Tracy Sutton, packaging design consultant at Root Innovation, shares Root’s five top tips to limit your business’ impact on the environment…

“Whether you’re a brand, distributor or salon, there are things you can do today to reduce your impact, reduce waste and reduce your business liabilities:

  1. Use renewable energy
    If you can move from using fossil fuels to renewable energy to power your salon you’ll reduce your impact and have a wonderful story to tell your customers.
  2. Take responsibility
    Find out how your waste is collected, by whom and ask what happens to the different types of waste you create. If it does not get recycled, find out if there is a scheme in place for a specialist collection. 
  3. Collaborate & inspire others
    Could you work with other salons nearby to chip in to a specific collection and take back scheme? Can you use your influence to help customers think in a more responsible way? Would you have a comments box for suggestions and reward winning ideas in exchange for a treatment?
  4. Be curious
    Sadly, one result in the increase of environmental activity is that there has been a rise in the amount of greenwash from packaging suppliers and manufacturers. If something is being sold as ‘sustainable’, it is important to ask how it is sustainable. Does it avoid the use of fossil fuels? Is it easier to separate and recycle for customers? Ask for evidence surrounding recycling that meets a recognised local certification or standard. If they can’t provide it, they may be breaking the law.
  5. Have a plan
    It’s important to stay up-to-date with new regulations, both locally and globally. It’s also important to avoid knee jerk reactions to things that can often result in an unintended higher environmental impact. Having a plan in place for your salon is essential if you want to navigate this complex topic with confidence and ease. A plan can include consideration of zero waste strategies, refill systems, bulk buying and more.

“We all have an impact: every person, every business. If we all take a little responsibility, it will go a long way to protect and preserve the world we all share for future generations to come.”