Top tips: Controlling odour during a L&P service
By Scratch Staff | 27 November 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

It is your responsibility to ensure any odour from an L&P service is kept to a minimum. There are some simple steps you can build into your work practises to aid with this…
Use disposable towels for wiping off and dispose of between clients. Always use a lidded bin that is regularly emptied.
Using a dappen dish helps combats odours from the system. The dappen dish has a reduced surface area as opposed to a wide mouthed monomer pot, therefore seeing less vapours.
Pour out your monomer into your dappen dish when it’s needed, rather than at the beginning of a service, and be sure to discard of any leftover when you finish your application.
Change your liquid for every client to keep build up and residue in our monomer at bay. Also ensure you clean your brush before each time you dip it back into your liquid to avoid your powder polymer contaminating the monomer.
Read more about the L&P system in the November issue of Scratch!

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