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The Massive Nail Tips of Moscow by Maltseva

By Alex Fox | 23 December 2020 | Expert Advice, Feature, Training

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Leading Russian nail artist, educator & international judge, Elena Maltseva, shares with Scratch her quirky nail art canvasses

There are certain nail cultures that we can depend upon to come up with amazing, unique and bizarre ways to deliver exciting nail art ideas and on this occasion Russia has scooped it!

With a plan to showcase nail art in a new way, two of the then Victory Company Russian educator team, Elena Maltseva and Elena Zenina, wanted to showcase different types of nail art and the way it’s applied. They decided massive nail tips would be an exciting and fresh idea. And so the concept came to fruition and was realised on stage in Amsterdam a few years ago, when the nail art duo delivered its unique show at the EzFlow International Championship. The stage show informed and entertained with displays of hand painting techniques such as floristics, geometry, abstract and themed designs as well as acrylic sculpting and 3D nail art.

“We wanted to inform and educate nail techs on the various designs that can be studied and achieved at our nail academy,” relays Elena Maltseva. “By showing different techniques on extra large tips, on stage, with a light show and music, with the addition of a dance troupe, we delivered an amazing, different and inspiring setting. We did feel the idea was slightly crazy at the beginning, but we believed we were capable of doing something grandiose and different and so we went for it, and the show was a huge hit.

“Naturally to paint on such a huge canvas we did need to substitute our nail art brushes and products for acrylic paints for the hand painting techniques and paint brushes and rollers, used for home décor, to apply the designs. The 3D effects were created with Styrofoam and foam rubber, which we painted beforehand. Then on stage we mounted the 3D details onto the tips using double-sided Scotch Tape. When the decoration of each tip was complete, it was then taken to the front of the stage and placed beside an elegantly clothed model and fantasy-style props, walls, towers and castles (all created with Styrofoam) for a complete and finished look. When all the tips were completed the show ended with fireworks. It was a fantastic and original experience.

“We’ve delivered this show twice since Amsterdam, in both Moscow and St Petersburg in Russia.

The success of showcasing the massive nail tips to the industry led the team to consider widening the audience and inspiring further afield. “The giant tips afforded quite an emotional and enthusiastic reaction when shown to industry professionals and so we wanted to see what reaction they would get in the outside world,” explains Elena. “We chose to host an event in the city park at Krestovsky Island, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. The reaction of the passers-by was interesting; some understood what was happening, some (especially men) were speculative and confused? Some believed they were observing surf board decoration, while others confessed they thought these were modern designs for tombstones. Regardless of the impressions they harboured, the overall reaction was very positive, with lots of people taking photos with the giant tips and with us, the artists. There were amusing comments made such as, ‘I’ve seen a lot in my life, but this I’m seeing for the very first time!’ It was a great day for us as we drew crowds all day long and attracted a lot of positivity!”

The massive tips are bespoke and were made to order by a Russian company that moulds car parts. For this project the company created a special mould that was used to create 13 large tips from a special non-toxic car plastic. The tips live in a warehouse where they wait for the next special event, be it a masterclass, beauty exhibition or nail championship. “These tips can be used to showcase nail art skills in so many ways,” chuckles Elena. “Whether it be in the nail studio or beauty academy, the ideas are limitless!”


Elane Maltseva – International nail educator & judge
with Nail Art classes worldwide & online

Check out Elena’s classes here …