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The importance of retailing in a salon environment

By Scratch Staff | 27 May 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

Hd brows

Rebecca Judic, HD Brows business development manager, explores why retailing is crucial to a salon mechanism…

Life as a busy salon owner is never straight forward. Every day you are spinning plates, managing and motivating your team, exceeding your customers’ expectations, keeping on top of bills and generally making sure your business is running as smooth as possible from day-to-day.

Some days it can feel like it never ends, but the one element of your business that you can make stress free is retail. Retail will never call in sick, desert you for another salon or cancel an appointment. Retail can be the constant factor in your salon business from breaking even, to making a profit.

The great news is clients want to buy retail from you, as research shows that clients love a personal recommendation of a product. Talking product with your clients keeps the focus on them. When in salon they don’t only want a pamper, they want expert advice from you, the expert!

The average high performing salon retails to around 10-15% of their clients and the reason the number is so low is that most stylists do not talk about product. When your client is laid back, eyes closed, while you apply product they don’t have a clue what you’re doing and why, unless you show and tell them.

Not recommending retail to your client is creating a poor customer experience. If you the beauty expert can’t get the desired finish without a finishing product, how can an untrained client create the same look at home? It the same when clients are going for an HD Brows appointment, they don’t want brows that look fabulous for one day, they want fabulous brows every day until their next visit.

It’s quite simple, retail is the secret to making both you and your team money. For example, if there were four HD Brow stylists in a salon retailing just two Browtec’s a day, you would generate over £37,000 in additional turnover for your salon a year.

The extra income isn’t the only benefit. A stylist who is successful in retail, feels more confident and gains greater job satisfaction.

Happy stylists = happy clients = a happy salon and an even happier salon owner.

The conclusion? Take the stress out of salon and let retail in.