The 3 things you need to do to attract nail clients
By Jo Tompkins | 06 August 2024 | Business, Expert Advice, Feature

There is so much advice out there about attracting clients, but the process doesn’t need to be complicated or drawn-out. You simply need to be able to do three things successfully:
1. Build an audience of potential clients.
There is no point spending hours creating trending TikTok videos or Instagram Reels to only be followed by other nail techs! Nail Business Success Club members get the majority of their clients from Facebook and Instagram. Facebook is incredible for attracting clients because of the group aspect. If you want to grow an audience of potential clients, Facebook is still the go-to social media choice.
2. Use conversion tactics to turn followers into paying clients.
You may get some clients booking online through your booking system, but the majority need warming up first. We have found techs who engage with their clients in Facebook Messenger and direct messages grow their businesses much quicker than those who wait for clients to book in online when they’re ready.
3. Keep clients coming back like clockwork each month.
Once clients are coming to you, rebooking them at their appointments not only means you are offering them a better service, but ensures they will use your business’ services more consistently and spend more. Regularly rebooking clients and two to three months in advance allows you to know exactly what gaps you have to fill a few months ahead, giving you time to market them and fill your books.
Nail Tech Tribe has released a brand new, FREE Booking System Guide that includes top tips on booking new clients and how to simplify the booking process. You can download the guide, which also includes a booking systems comparison chart and cost calculator here: https://www.nailtechtribe.com/booking-systems-guide

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