Home-based nail tech, Siobhan Galloway, details her love for the job and the impact that social media has had on her business.
When and why did you choose to become a nail tech?
I’ve always been interested in nails for as long as I can remember. When I started working I used to get acrylic extensions on a regular basis and was always fascinated by the process. Then, when I had my little girl years later, I decided I wasn’t happy going back to my job. I looked into courses and found Essential Nails. Being able to do everything from home around my family life was perfect.
What is the best bit about your job?
It’s really hard for me to pick just one thing that I like best, as I love my job a lot. However, I think my favourite part is when my clients give me free rein. I love it when I can get creative.
What nail brands do you work with and what do you love about them?
I am almost completely INK London when it comes to my products. I love everything about the brand. Its acrylic is amazing and it has a very large selection of gel polish colours. It also has the best customer service and is a fab company to work with. I get all my glitters and accessories from GlitterArty, which is another brand that I cannot recommend highly enough.
What is your favourite nail service to perform and why?
My favourite service would have to be sculpting a set of acrylic extensions, which is what I’m most popular for. I especially love it when I get a client with short/badly bitten nails that they feel embarrassed about; the look on their face once I’ve finished the service is so nice to see.
What impact has promoting your work on social media had on your business?
Almost all of my advertising is done through Facebook and Instagram. I’ve been extremely lucky in that it’s all I’ve needed to ensure a busy schedule. I only work in the evenings and some mornings at the minute and my appointment slots are nearly always full with more people messaging me all the time. I really feel that social media is the best way of getting yourself out there right now.
What have you done to develop your skills and reach your current level?
All of the courses I have done so far have been with Essential Nails, but I plan to attend a few INK London courses this year. I have also learned a lot through YouTube. There is always something new coming along in this industry, such as super shiny chrome or unicorn nails. The list is endless and means that you can never get bored! YouTube is a great place to help keep up to date.
Who has had the biggest influence on your career?
Definitely Gemma Lambert! When I finished my first acrylic course I was really struggling with a few things and felt like giving up. Discovering Gemma’s videos on YouTube helped me improve massively. She inspired me through her designs and taught me tips that made everything so much easier. I’ll be forever grateful to her. She is one of the best nail technicians in my opinion.
What is your greatest career achievement so far?
It has to be when I saw my nails published in Scratch – I was so excited and proud.
What are your future career goals?
I am hoping to complete a few of the INK London courses this year and I’m also hoping to enter my first competition. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do, so this year I intend on doing it! I would love to open my own nail salon and hopefully become an educator one day too!

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