Tech creates arm rest to tackle back pain

By Sophie Nutt | 04 July 2019 | Feature, Tech Talk


Talented nail tech and educator, Elwira Walczak of Petite Nails, reveals how she created an arm rest to tackle the back pain she suffered with as a result of years of tekking…

“I’ve struggled with back and neck pain for a long time, to the point that I was desperately looking for anything that would allow me to still do my job comfortably. I tried different chairs, tables, exercises… But nothing really made much of a difference.

“The problem in our profession is that we adopt very bad posture from sitting bent over for many hours in the day and definitely too many days in the week. We want to see our clients’ nails properly and, as we work with small details, we bend down too much and lean on the table. It’s virtually impossible to sit up straight when your client’s hands are almost flat on the table or raised a little bit on a cushion.

“So, together with my husband, we ordered everything we needed to make our own arm rest. We made it an I started to use it – initially I didn’t see much difference but after about a week or two I noticed that I didn’t complain about my back pain anymore! My clients also say that they are more comfortable when using the arm rest, as I don’t have to pull their hands because they are closer to my face; the hand is relaxed and flexible so its easier to move it where I need it. The most important thing is that I have no more back ache!

“We are very proud of our product but the thing that makes us extremely happy is reading a message another nail tech that says the arm rest has changed their life,” – Elwira Walczak, Petite Nails.

“After that, we returned to my home in Poland for a holiday and I asked my dad to help us improve the look of the arm rest and created a few models. We took them back to England with use and started to spread the word. I was really surprised because the few arm rests that we made were gone in almost two weeks. We began to receive feedback from other techs that had used them and they were all so happy with the results – from that moment, we’ve been trying to help more and more techs with our arm rests.

“My husband and I hand make the arm rests in our shed and use only good quality artificial leather while making it easy to clean and sanitise. We are very proud of our product but the the thing that makes us extremely happy is reading a message from another nail tech that says the arm rest has changed their life. So far, our arm rests have already gone to the USA, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, the UK, Denmark and Canada!”

The Petite Nails Arm Rest is available via 

Check out Elwira’s work here or here!