Struggling to complete your list of business tasks? Here’s how automation can help
By Guest Writer | 20 January 2022 | Business, Feature

Alicia Humphreys, owner of AH Virtual Assistant Services, which offers businesses administrative support, social media, email and blog management, customer service and training, serves up tips for managing your time using automation…
Let’s be honest, time management isn’t the sexiest topic to talk about when it comes to business. But if you’re a business owner who’s wearing many hats, this is for you.
The dictionary definition of time management is:
(noun) the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at work.
“Time management is the key to efficient working.”
However, what it means to most of us is working out how to juggle a business, home life, friendships and just generally being sociable – it’s a constant battle. But there are ways to achieve a work-life balance without feeling like you’re spinning all the plates.
Learning how to manage your time and use automation, with the following tips, could help your business grow in 2022.
Plan your week ahead
Creating a schedule for your week allows you to plan and structure your time so that you can prioritise and re-prioritise tasks. Deadlines and urgent jobs should define how you organise tasks across your week. But remember, be flexible and ready to change your schedule if priorities suddenly shift.
Don’t be afraid to use software to help with this. I use list-making app, Trello, and note-taking app, Evernote, but there’s a huge range of free products available, so look around and find one that works for you.
Time block your day
Time blocking is a time management technique that many small business owners find useful. It’s the practice of chunking out your work into small sections of time. The idea is that by focusing on one thing at a time, you can dedicate attention and energy to each task, getting it done quicker and to a higher standard.
To time block your day, you need to plan out the hours you have available then start assigning items from your to-do list. There are several techniques you can use to stick to time blocking, for example you could use a time tracking app like Toggl, try the Pomodoro technique, which breaks work into 25 minute intervals, or go manual with a diary and alarm.
Figure out where you can automate
Start thinking about which tasks you can automate or outsource. For example, could you set up an auto response on your social media or email? Could you automate your invoices? I use QuickBooks for this. What about scheduling your social media posts in advance? I like to use Facebook‘s Business Suite for this as it’s simple to use, but other software is available.
Make a note of all the daily, weekly and monthly tasks you carry out for your business and think about which you could easily outsource. You could also write down the amount of time each tasks takes so when you do automate, you’ll be able to see how much time you’re saving straight away.

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