Starting a new nail business

By Kat Hill | 29 May 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

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Julie-Anne Larivière, Salon System Gellux techspert and owner of SKETCHED by J-A Nails, highlights some areas to consider…

“Starting a new business isn’t easy but it doesn’t have to be complicated either, just be prepared to do some research. First of all, location is key. If you don’t have a large clientele you need to think about where you could find them. Consider a location where there might be a greater footfall or perhaps near likeminded businesses. Is it in a town centre on a busy parade of shops, in an affluent hair and beauty salon or maybe at home? What kind of clients are you thinking of attracting too? This can be a good indication of where you should start a business.

“Once you have decided on location, look into good liability and product insurance. If working from home, notify your home insurance as it could be likely you’re not covered to run a business from home. When I first set up at home, I had to change insurers. This is not a step you want to miss or it could be very costly!

“When you first start up you need to make yourself visible to your potential clients. If you prefer not to trade in a town centre and instead opt for a home salon then you need to be prepared to invest a little more in advertising. In a very saturated market, advertising and marketing is key to success these days. Facebook is a brilliant and very efficient way of getting your business seen by the right people. Be social media active and never underestimate its power.

“Make sure you treat your new clients like royalty as they are your ticket to success. Treat them well and they will return, maybe even recommending your services to family and friends. My business wouldn’t be where it is if it wasn’t from word of mouth. I have a very good relationship with my clients, they are like family! Some of them have been coming to me since I first started my business almost 6 years ago when I moved over from Canada. I have been on maternity leave for almost a year and still most of them are just waiting for me to come back full time. That’s when you know you’ve done something right!

“Remember that you are starting up, you do not need all the flashy things yet. The kit essentials and basics are a must and everything else can come in time. Also, always remember that success doesn’t happen overnight and never beat yourself up if it is slow to start with, everyone has got to start somewhere.”

Find out more about Julie-Anne and SKETCHED by J-A Nails here!