#SCRATCHSTARS18 – Top tips from a two-time winner
By Helena Biggs | 11 February 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature

Tammy Koslowski, owner of NAF! Salon, Glasgow – which scooped both the Nail Salon of the Year and Best Use of Social Media titles at the Scratch Stars 2017, reveals her top tips to take it to the top…
Start early
I think it took us around four weeks to write our entries last year because we were so busy in the salon. Try not to leave it until the last minute or you might forget to include vital information.
Set yourself up
Copy the entry form into a Word document and think carefully about your answers over a few days, adding to them as you see fit. Then, when you’re finished – copy and paste the answers into the online form. This is also a great back-up incase you suffer from computer gremlins and you lose all your work on the online form!
Write bullet points and short notes for each answer first. If the question is: ‘What makes your salon stand out?’ then simply list what makes you stand out. If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer, just look through your reviews or ask your clients! Once you’ve written down the facts, then you can go back, elaborate and turn the answer into a juicy paragraph.
This is not the time to be modest. Shout about what makes you unique and amazing. If you don’t feel comfortable writing your submission, get someone to write parts for you. I recommend asking a close friend or doing a client who’s good at writing!Sell yourself
Get good evidence
You’ll need pictures, stats (if you have them) and client testimonials to wow the judges. Remember to take some time out to sift through them and pick the best ones early on in the application – this means there won’t be a rush at the end.
Use your entry!
Once it’s checked and sent off, your entry for the Scratch Stars Awards is actually a really useful document. It’ll have amazing one liners about how brilliant you are to use on your website, social media and marketing channels so be sure to share all that info with your clients and followers. I printed mine off for my mum!
Enter this year’s Scratch Stars Awards by 28 February at www.scratchstarsawards.co.uk

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