Salon in the Spotlight: The Nail Box, Nottingham

By Kat Hill | 05 December 2018 | Feature, Salon & Spas

The nail box, nottingham

After ten years of honing her craft in a salon, this July saw Carol-Ann Louise Beresford take the chance to fly solo. “I wanted something to call my own,” Carol-Ann enthuses. “I heard about a little box room for rent upstairs in a hair salon and decided to take the plunge. It seemed fitting to call it The Nail Box due to its size!

“I’ve always dreamt of having my own salon and this is the next step in my journey.”

The space presented Carol-Ann with an entirely blank canvas. “When I moved in, there was nothing but white walls and a rose gold clock,” Carol-Ann remembers.

“I absolutely love sunflowers, so grey and yellow immediately came to mind with a touch of marble, rose gold and plants. It seems like such a mismatch but really works.

“With the white walls and splashes of yellow it really gives a bright, happy and positive feel to the room. It’s definitely a reflection of myself and that’s what I wanted to come across.”

Offering a natural nail focused menu, Carol-Ann focuses on ensure her clients’ nails are preened and pampered.

“I offer Calgel and CND Shellac™ services. I have recently filtered out my acrylic work as I want to focus purely on the natural nail and. I’ve been a Calgel Premier Pro for the last three years, so it seemed right to focus on this. I have the option of CND Shellac™ for those with fab natural nails already.

“With The Nail Box being so small, it truly gives intimate, more personal feeling, as you’re giving one-on-one time to the client. Reception is downstairs and my bookings are dealt with out of hours – I fully focus on the clients sat at my desk.”

Click here to see more of Carol-Ann’s work!