Salon in the Spotlight: Scratch Nail and Beauty Studio, Oldswinford

By Kat Hill | 14 November 2018 | Feature, Salon & Spas

Scratch nail and beauty studio

After taking over the business five years ago, Scratch Nail and Beauty Studio has gone from strength to strength thanks to Chantal Welvaert

“Scratch Nail and Beauty Studio opened 14 years ago,” reveals Chantal. “I started working at the salon 11 years ago before taking over the business over.

“I wanted to grow the salon so set about creating an online presence for the business with social media and a website. I also invested in local adversting and even started opening the salon six days a week.”

The in line with the exciting changes the salon was seeing, Chantal also decided to redesign. “The salon went under major refurbishment two years ago,” she smiles.

“My favourite colour is white so the salon follows this. I feel it represents calmness and cleanliness. The decor represents the salon by being luxurious, glamorous and chic. We stand out on a dull day as we have a white sign out the front of the salon that lights up!

“I had an interior designer in to help me decide on furniture and accessories. I love to have fresh flowers delivered to the salon weekly to add that finishing touch.”

To meet demand, Chantal has grown her team. “When I felt the time was right, I took on more staff as we started to get busier. Now there are seven of us. We all work very hard as a team and this makes us a successful salon.

“We specialise in mainly nail treatment. We are known for our acrylics and gel service, and our beauty therapist also specialises in intimate waxing.

“What also makes us unique is we have a pedicure massage chair; we are the only salon locally to have one so that attracts a lot of clients.”

The salon boasts a diverse treatment menu, from facials to massages, LED light therapy to spray tans, Indian head massage to hopi ear candles.

“I’m always looking at the next treatment we should be offering and looking at how we can grow the salon even more,” smiles Chantal. “We strive for perfection and offering a five star service. We like to make sure our clients feel happy all the time.”

Click here to see more from the salon!