Salon in the Spotlight: Nova Nails, Glasgow, Scotland

By Kat Hill | 27 January 2021 | Feature, Salon & Spas

Nova nails lead

After working in call centres for years, Jackie Logan wanted a change of career. “After three years of practise and training, I work up the courage to quit my job and start Nova Nails,” Jackie remembers. “I worked in a few places renting a table, but during the first lockdown last year I decided to use the spare time to get my own space.”

Jackie Logan

Aiming to create a bright and clean setup, Jackie planned the décor carefully. “I selected shades of rose golds and blush pinks,” she smiles. “I wanted a modern and airy atmosphere, but with a classic ‘salon’ feel!

“I try and keep the colour theme going through all my marketing and my Instagram too. I want people to recognise my salon or me as soon as they see my pictures or pictures of my salon.”

Also setting the salon apart is Jackie’s ethos. “In my salon I use only vegan and cruelty free products and biodegradable glitters. This is such a big unique selling point; I have clients coming from all over Scotland because of that reason!”

This thought is also felt throughout the salon, with little personal touches to found. “My favourite part of my setup is my flower wall,” Jackie says. “I made it myself and, even though its only small, it’s made with  blood sweat and tears. It took nearly four hours to make!

“It shows the dedication and hard work I’ve put in and is a daily reminder of how working hard always pays off!”

Follow the salon on Facebook & Instagram.