SALON IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Nail Couture Nails & Beauty, Bingley

By Kat Hill | 12 April 2017 | Feature, Salon & Spas

Nail couture nails & beauty, bingley
With its quirky decor and open-plan design, Nail Couture Nails & Beauty is a conversation starter – and its clients agree.
“We are a very sociable salon,” enthuses owner, Cathy Lansbury-Palmer, “We created our unique trio pedicure station and reception area with this in mind. Clients love to talk and chat, as do we. They are not only clients – they are now our friends too. The salon has such a fantastic buzz now its fresh and an open space.”
Having started nearly 15 years ago, Cathy has forged a successful business with a loyal clientele. Having grown out of its previous location above a hair salon, a new premises was needed. “We have been in our current locations for 18 months,” Cathy explains. “The salon is in a fabulous main road location with a shop front. We completely refurbished and our clients love the new look. We were already busy before we moved but once we did, our clientele quadrupled in about six months which was incredible!”
Currently working with two other team members, Laura and Bryony, Cathy has also recently started taking on work experience students to help the next generation. “We specialise in nails and foot care,” explains Cathy. “We are well known locally for creative, unique designs and great nails. Clients love been able to show a photo or come with an idea and have it created just for them. Our CND SHELLAC treatment is also a very very popular service. I particularly like our collection of Magpie Glitters – they’re a firm fave with our clients and team!”
The creativity displayed on nails has spilt over into the design of the salon. With bright accents and a personal touch, real care has gone into the creation of the space. “I chose a neutral timeless colour theme for the decor,” Cathy expands. “I went for a simple grey and white palette, and added injections of colour and personality into each space. From our hot pink shabby chic reception furniture, to our cosy and regal feeling foot chairs in mink and white. We’ve added little quirks everywhere, like leopard print chairs, little crystal skulls and vintage signs. Clients love our little decorations.
“I feel I have created a space for people to really unwind and take in their surroundings.  We’ve yet to have someone not compliment the decor and the salon. Through trial and error, I think the space is finally 100% perfect for us.”
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