Salon in the Spotlight: Linnails, Hyökännummi, Finland

By Kat Hill | 26 June 2019 | Feature, Salon & Spas

Linnails, hyökännummi, finland

In search of a creative outlet to occupy her during maternity leave, Miia Linna was drawn to the world of nails. “It was actually my best friend who suggested that I should try my hand at nails as she knew that that was something I’d enjoy,” smiles Miia Linna.

“In 2015, I started practicing at our kitchen table on a few of my friends. It didn’t take long for me to fall for nails! I realised that this could be a great opportunity for me to rethink my career choices and start my own business.

“I had just one, small problem before I could focus on building up my clientele: I didn’t have a proper work space! With our increasing family and my lack of work space, we started to look for a bigger house. During that search, I had the time to practice, create my business plan and design my branding. The house search took two years, but it was worth it. We found a lovely new home for our family with the perfect space for my business, too.

“I established Linnails in June 2017. After seeking courses from CND™, I began to build up my client base. I practiced, sought more courses, followed the latest nail trends and worked hard. Now, this is my full-time job and I couldn’t be happier.“Popular colours vary with the season. Autumn and winter are cold and dark here, so the clients prefer nudes and darker, earthy shades for their nails. Summer, on the other hand, is short and bright, so I find pastels and bright tones are popular. Glitter and abstract designs are also often requested. We like minimalistic things here in Scandinavia. I think it shows with nail designs too – simple yet effective.

“I think the nail industry in Finland is still growing. There are fewer product brands available here; a lot of salons utilise the same brands. I try to keep up with the latest nail trends and techniques. I think nail trends appear here a bit later than in the UK, but I love how my clients are up for trying new ideas.

“My home salon is small, but I have everything I need in here. It creates an intimate, personal environment. I can fully concentrate on my client and have created a space they can sit back and relax in.“I wanted my studio to look cosy yet professional. I love the contrast between the oak wood and the black details. I also wanted my space to fit with my brand, so added touches of blush pink to tie in with my logo.”

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