Chloe randall

Revealed: 7 top tips for becoming a mobile nail tech

By Chloe Randall | 26 October 2021 | Feature

Nail tech mask goggles

Transitioning from working in a salon or home based setup to a mobile mani lifestyle isn’t just as easy as popping in your car and getting on the road. From having to carry around your kit bag to managing your own finances and ensuring you have the correct insurance, there is a lot to consider before you can fully enjoy the freedom that often comes with working on a mobile basis.

For many technicians, moving to a mobile way of working means a reduction in monthly overheads and commitments, and the opportunity to work around other opportunities or a busy home life. It means you have control over your diary – and embark on a different adventure every day. However, with benefits comes challenges, so read on for our checklist on what you need to consider…

1. Create a kit checklist

When starting out, a kit list can helps to avoid forgetting any items you may need. This will help you to be more organised and prepared for your appointments.

2. Plan ahead

Make sure you are familiar with the location of any new clients and plan your journey, including parking, and prevent you from arriving late.

3. Ask in advance

If you have a larger kit, it can be time consuming and a strain to carry your entire nail shade collection around with you. To help with this, ask your client in advance about the nail shades or styles they desire at their appointment so you can bring a smaller selection to suit.

4. Be respectful

You are working from your client’s home or workspace and not your own so you need to be conscious of the environment and of respecting their property. Offer to take your shoes off on entry and wear appropriate PPE. Make sure you keep a clean and tidy workstation so you can minimise any potential spillages that could cause damage and bring a bag to take any waste home with you.

5. Check your insurance

Invest in appropriate insurance to cover your work at client’s homes and offices. ABT insurance provides nail technician insurance, including public liability, product liability and treatment risk cover for up to £6 million, whether you are working from home, a salon or on a mobile basis.

6. Consider your car

It’s likely that you’ll use your car to travel from client to client, so reassess your car insurance policy, insuring it for business use. Remember – if your car is off the road at any point, you won’t be able to reach clients – so will lose income, so consider adding the option of a courtesy car to your policy. Understand that there will be costs for the increased wear and tear on your vehicle as you use it for work, as well as regular maintenance.

7. Payment solutions

Avoid any awkwardness and don’t fall short of funds post-treatment by investing in a portable card reader. We’re living in a ‘contactless culture’ where many prefer to pay via debit or credit card, particularly post-Covid-19, so check out the options available and keep your transactions in one app – which is handy when presenting to your accountant or calculating tax and national insurance payments.

For more tips about going mobile, check out Scratch’s November issue