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Points to consider when waxing pregnant clients

By Scratch Staff | 23 May 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature

Waxing pregnancy

Immerse yourself in hair removal tips as ABT director, Dave Horton, discusses pregnancy waxing with ABT accredited trainer, Kim Lawless

Is it medically safe for pregnant women to undergo waxing treatments, and does this differ during the different trimesters?

Kim: It’s absolutely safe! I always check with doctors and midwives on a regular basis – some of which I have as clients – as I like to know that what I’m doing is safe for my client. Therapists that have undergone training with Kim Lawless Training are permitted to perform treatments within the first trimester, although I would always recommend that therapists check with your insurance provider if you have trained elsewhere as each training programme is different.

Are there any areas of the body where hair growth is likely to be increased during pregnancy? 

Kim: I actually notice that the pubic hair gets lighter in colour and reduces in density. That’s how I often guess that my client is pregnant before they tell me…or even know themselves! I have been the bearer of happy news on many occasions.

Are there any areas of the body that should be avoided with wax while pregnant? 

Kim: No; the client isn’t ill – she’s having a baby. Women should have the choice to have their hair removed if they want to. Many tell me that it makes them feel human and attractive again.

Are there any types of wax that should be avoided during pregnancy, such as products that include lavender – as the use of lavender oil is often cautioned against during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Kim: Looking at the ingredients, it’s probably the fragrance of lavender and not the actual oil, so I’d suggest that the waxer reads the ingredients of the wax. It’s more what is put on after waxing that needs to be monitored.

Is the waxing sensation (or level of discomfort) likely to differ during pregnancy due to hormones and increased blood flow etc?

Kim: Yes. It’s like being on a period and it hurts more, which is all the more reason to use a good quality hot wax on sensitive areas or shaved hair. Encourage the client to leave it for four weeks from their last shave/wax and it will hurt less and they’ll get a smoother finish.

Should a therapist change their waxing technique for pregnant clients?  

Kim: It differs slightly each trimester as you need to tilt the head of the bed up slightly as the client gets bigger so they don’t get too dizzy. I asked a midwife to clarify whether pregnant clients should not lay flat for longer than 20 minutes, and her reply was that the issue is with them not laying too long on their back when they’re asleep at night. As a Brazilian/Hollywood only takes 15 minutes, this issue is not a concern. I do, however, always say as I start to wax that if they need to move position to let me know, and nobody ever has.

Simple things like helping the client on and off the bed and suggesting that they sit for a moment on the side of the bed before they get off is helpful. If doing a leg wax, turn them on their sides to finish off the back of the legs, but do most of it from the front by pulling their calf around to the front. I don’t like lifting the client’s leg in the air to do this as it presses on their tummy.

Does a therapist need to differ her pre-wax consultation and after care advice for a pregnant client?

Kim: In addition to the usual questions, I would ask if they have a history of miscarriage and if they do (more than one), I would ask them to wait until they’re past 12 weeks before they wax. 

Are there any pre-wax or post-wax products that therapists should avoid retailing to pregnant clients?

Kim: There’s a long list of oils that could cause various adverse reactions with pregnant women, so I wouldn’t sell them anything that contained any ingredients that could cause problems.

TOP TIP:  If you need to use oil to remove any stickiness after strip waxing legs, for example, use baby oil. For Brazilian wax clients, I use a tiny amount of Sudocrem mixed with baby oil after waxing but then wipe it off. This heals the skin and makes it super sof and clients comment how much they love it.

Are there any issues surrounding clients who have undergone a C-section?

Kim: I have clients that have had a C-section and come back for another wax just four weeks after. I am aware that insurers can wither and have no policy for C-section waxing and some are very restricting or vague. Women want it done and it’s their right to choose what to do with their own body, so it’s much better that they come to a professional that knows what they’re doing rather than find someone that’s willing just do it to get a bit of money, regardless of knowledge and experience.

As long as the scar is totally closed and your client wants it waxed, then wax the scar first and only ever use hot wax. That way your client won’t be on edge while you’re waxing the rest of the Brazilian/Hollywood.

Find out more about Kim’s ABT accredited courses at

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