After struggling with back pain herself, beauty therapist and owner of The Revive Company, Kerry Beavis found practising Pilates allowed her to get back on her feet and back to work. Keen to share her passion, Kerry sought training to become an instructor – promoting wellness both inside and out for her clients.
By tutoring, Kerry has recognised the importance of looking after her body and implores other technicians to do so too. “Our bodies should be seen as our tool. We MOT and service our car… why not ourselves? Pilates makes you aware of your posture every day and during your treatments. It strengthens your core, tones the whole body, increases flexibility and reduces repetitive strain. It also gives your mind time out.”
Kerry’s top tips
“We have to release and stretch before we can strengthen,” reveals Kerry – so try these exercises out…
- Get a tennis ball! Two is better. Massage everywhere! Start at the soles of your feet, massage your calves whilst you sit down with your legs stretched out in front, put the balls under your calves and roll over them. Lay down on your back, with a pillow behind your head and roll the balls under your glutes and up either side of your spine. Avoiding bone, use your hands in fists under your bum, with knees bent, so you can move against the balls easily. Up against a wall, massage your upper arms. Lean into the ball and move like a bear scratching it’s back up a tree!
- Stretch those hamstrings. Lay on your back and place a yoga band, a resistance band or a large towel under the sole of your foot. Hold onto both ends and straighten your leg up towards the ceiling, flexing your foot against the band. Hold for at least 30 seconds. Remember to breathe! Tight hamstrings can cause lower back issues.
- Strengthen your core whilst you work. When you are doing anything in a treatment, remember to stand or sit tall, have your feet hip width apart and planted firmly on the floor and pull in your navel. By doing this you are straight away engaging your Transverse Abdominus Muscle, which basically acts like a corset around your middle. Supporting your spine and toning your abs. You should to be able to breathe, talk and move as you pull in! Hold in for as long as you can especially when doing any heavy lifting.
- Limber up before you work. Standing tall, feet hip width apart and parallel. Nod your chin towards your chest and start to roll down bone by bone. Let your arms and head hang heavy. Keep the weight even in your feet and knees slightly bent. When you can get no further, take a deep breathe in and start to stack your spine bone by bone slowly. This increases the flexibility in your spine. You can even do this when you pop to the loo!
Perfect your posture
Remember your knees bend. You do not need to bend forward to see something – squat or lunge.
Don’t cross your legs. It causes your pelvis to come out of alignment and can give you varicose veins
Use your equipment; lower chairs, higher couches. Always think.”Is my back straight?” If it isn’t, change your position.
“As Joseph Pilates always said ‘You are only as old as your spine’ – look after it!” concludes Kerry.

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