Chloe Randall

Pedicures: How to treat clients with arthritis

By Chloe Randall | 15 April 2021 | Expert Advice, Feature


Arthritis can cause joints to become inflamed, painful and in later stages, deformed. As some arthritics suffer from arthritis in their feet, a pedicure is often well needed. The nail professionals share tips on how to treat clients with arthritis…

Arthritis can be quite tender and having a pedicure can release some of the stress on the joints and help to decrease the pain. A massage helps enormously, and paraffin wax can be used to increase circulation and joint mobility.” – Teresa Frake, LCN



“Always treat clients with arthritis with care, be careful with your tools and do not over work the skin. If the client is showing any cause for concern, advise them to seek advice from the doctor straight away.” – Clare Hooson, Footlogix Educator



“Heat treatments can improve the pain from arthritis and many clients enjoy heated booties or paraffin wax treatments.” – Belinda Price, OPI Education & Capability Manager




“Arthritic feet are sensitive, tender, and can have stiffness in the toe joints. Make sure your client’s feet are on a comfortable surface and they may also need extra support on your pedi chair or bed.”

“A foot bath is one of the best things you can do for an arthritic client as the warm water eases pain and reduces swelling. Often with arthritic sufferers, the toenails may be thicker, twisted or have a yellow appearance, so extra care is required when using your clippers to cut the toenails.” – Lucy Sharman, Elim Pedi Pro