Online Education: Hazel Dixon on the future of nail learning
By Guest Writer | 22 January 2021 | Feature, Training

Hazel Dixon
Award-winning nail artist and founder of HD Nail Artist Academy, Hazel Dixon, shares her thoughts on why online education isn’t suitable for every nail tech and what she predicts for the future of learning.
Why isn’t online learning appropriate for all techniques/nail learning needs?
Online learning is a great platform for techs who are looking to up-skill and add to their existing knowledge.
For example: A fully qualified Gel tech wanting to learn how to create gel designs or learn specific aspects of a different brand’s gel system. The technician has already had extensive training prior, they understand the basic chemistry of gel products and is fully competent in the gel application process. Therefore, a conversion class or art based gel online class could be of great benefit to them, should they not be able to access a classroom based course.
I also strongly believe that all beginner technician training including an e-file should not be taught online. There are some elements of beginner training which when taught correctly and is well-structured can be online, like the theory side of health & safety, anatomy, allergies and chemistry etc. However, delivering online education needs to be thought about carefully and the main question as an educator that I asked myself was;
“Would my completely new, never touched nails before, student get the very best, top quality training if I taught them live via a camera? My honest answer was no – there are too many variants that would make my student’s experience a lower quality than those I teach in a classroom.”
On camera, it is difficult to see brush angle, pressure, bead placement and consistency etc for one person, this is even more difficult if trying to watch multiple and details can be missed. This works both ways and they cannot see me as clearly on camera as they would in person.
In a post Covid-19 world, how do you envisage nail education?
As an academy, we have embraced the online learning capabilities and have learnt to adapt them to make positive changes and additions to our education programme. We now offer workshops and short art courses online and this has been a positive move for all our students who for whatever reason cannot travel.
We have all been hit so hard by the pandemic and so many businesses are struggling to survive that they may feel online education is the only way out and many students may also see it as potentially a cheaper option to get them started. I can truly sympathise with this and I understand the want and need to ensure your business can continue and students wanting to learn but on a budget. Online training is traditionally cheaper than classroom based due to venue costs etc. There are many students who have experienced some good basic education online but for me it’s not a direction I’d like to see the industry go in, on a more permanent basis.
I fear that we could lose the personal level of connection if we do have a generation of techs taught only via camera. I genuinely hope this won’t be the case when we are finally allowed to get back to some normality and see people again, I for one cannot wait to get back in the classroom with my students and colleagues teaching again, I love the atmosphere and I know so many of our students are really looking forward to coming back.
To view some of the online courses Hazel has on offer, please click here

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