Nurture a healthy state of mind by surrounding yourself with a great support network: all you need is love
By Alex Fox | 12 May 2021 | Feature, Health & wellbeing

All you need is love…global nail artist, educator & mentor Alisha Rimando shares her tekking truth
I can’t tell you how many times along my journey I’ve wanted to quit! It’s so easy to just stop. STOP! Stop the stress, the pressure, the sleepless nights, the long days, the research, the frustration. Just STOP it all. It’s so much easier to just go and get a job! That’s a typical rant that often occurs inside my head.
Yes, it’s easy to quit and sometimes you have to, just for the day, or for a long weekend. Everyone deserves a break, and no one is going to give you one, but you! However, in order to get up and get back to it, you do need support. Emotional support, motivation, sometimes even the proverbial kick in the ass, and always a little love and understanding.
Sometimes crying and screaming may seem a bit like a tantrum – that’s ok! While hiding in the closet for that meltdown may be just what the psychologist or doctor ordered. But I’ve found it can be really good to call someone who loves you and let it all out to them. Crying and talking it out may not only let the emotional side of things ease for you, but it can also provide clarity. Once the crying has stopped you and your bestie can work through what’s really going on, and sometimes, it’s more than just work, it’s loads of other stuff that’s stacked up in life that makes you lose it! So feel free to reach out when you need a little emotional support and remind yourself that everything is going to be okay. We all need support at times.
It can be difficult to challenge yourself every day. Sometimes to be brutally honest, I battle just getting out of bed. This is how I address these difficult days. I begin by unbundling. It can be hard to start this process when at times I don’t know where to begin, since the amount of stuff I need to do feels endless. So breaking things into bite-sized pieces helps these tasks feel more palatable.
I recommend you make a list and break up all the things you need to get done into manageable 20-minute tasks – it sounds so simple – and it works wonders. Sometimes just writing down chores, such as ‘do the dishes‘, ‘take a shower’, ‘make a list of what needs to be done’, ‘book a dentist appointment‘, ’email the team‘, calms the noise in my head – the constant chatter. Seeing it neatly on paper instead of spinning around my head can provide a fresh start and helps me navigate the anxiety. When finally in that shower after completing the list, I already have two tasks to mark off! Getting things done and marking them as complete is the best motivation there is. It instils a positive and powerful feeling.
If that doesn’t work, call in the troops! You should have your tribe on speed dial. This group of two-to-five friends will always be willing to throw some positive vibes your way. Do not entertain calling anyone who may suck your energy, you’re already in need of a boost. Just remember, it’s okay to ask for help, even if it’s just a pep talk.
When I hit that wall, I know it’s time for me to reach out for help. Bouncing business ideas off people I admire and respect often gives me the kick up the ass I need to recharge and start my engines again. It’s more like an inspirational boost, or reboot, if you will. Getting new information or advice about something I’m working on can help me see the forest from the trees. So take my advice and don’t be afraid to reach out! I try to schedule two or three meetings per month with the ‘all-wise and all-knowing’ tribe I have on speed dial.
If, by chance you’re tribe is not quite equipped for your latest and more specific needs, widen it – add to it. Start by thinking about your goal, realise what you know and admit what you don’t. Your ‘all wise and all knowing’ crew is the one that knows the stuff you don’t! To be successful, feel motivated and keep going, you must realise what you don’t know and find those that do! The nail industry is full of amazing people that will advise, support, direct and nurture you. There are mentors you can align with (start by looking at the brand you invest in – does it have a support group?) and a host of seriously useful nail tech support groups too. For example on Facebook try – Madge’s Chat Show – a group created at the start of the pandemic by the UK’s nail expert, Marian Newman BEM, it’s a brilliant place to network and find your nail tribe.
Don’t wait to hit a roadblock. Think through your business plan and start making lists of people who know the things you don’t and bring them into your circle. Let them help you. You’ll be glad you did.
love Alisha xoxo
Find me at www.glossarylive.com

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