NAIL TECH TALK: Oksana Smirnova, Scratch Stars finalist 20/21
By Lilly Delmage | 22 June 2021 | Feature, Tech Talk

Scratch Stars Gel Tech of the Year finalist 20/21, Oksana Smirnova, shares how she discovered her passion for nails, how it felt to be announced as a finalist and her next career steps…
Tell us about your nail industry journey…
I started my career as a nail technician in 2009, when, after graduating from college in a completely different profession. I went to a job centre and basic nail technician courses were offered, so I enrolled, and have since completed about 25 different courses. I realised that nails are my love!
What is your signature nail style?
I’m not sure if I have only one signature style of nails, but I like to make different nails, long and short, with or without designs. Recently, I have become more and more interested in extreme nails, the results are always mesmerising!
How has the pandemic impacted you and your career?
During isolation, I began to practice what I usually did not have enough time for – extreme nails! I also watched a huge number of online seminars. I realised that I needed not only to work but also to live, for which there was often simply not enough time, so I began to devote more time to my family and my free time.
Why is it important to keep training and enter industry competitions?
Learning must be continued at all times, otherwise you can stay at the basic level. There are always many new products and trends in the nail industry that we must be able to understand and use. Participation in competitions will give a new level and status as help you to be the best. They will help you stand out from other masters.
What attracted you to enter the Scratch Stars Awards?
This is not the first time I have participated in the Scratch Stars Awards, and I see it as one of the most important nail competitions in England, which should not be missed. Just that I was included in the top five gel nail artists of 20/21 makes me proud of myself!
What do you love about working with gel?
I love working with gel because it is easy to apply, it is odourless and durable to wear. It also self-levelling and you do not need a lot of filing after, which makes it possible to create nail enhancements in less time.
What has been your career highlight to date?
I love seeing the happy and grateful faces of my clients!
What are your hopes and goals for the future?
I would like to open my own training school to I could train those that want to master the profession of a nail master, basic and advanced courses, nail art and much more.
If you could change one thing about the nail industry, what would it be?
I would change the prices for our services, unfortunately many nail technicians do not value themselves and their time, although we deserve good prices no less than people of other professions.
What do you love about working in the nail industry?
The nail industry is an art, we are able to create artwork on very small surfaces; nails!
Follow Oksana on Instagram.

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