Caitlin iley

Nail Tech Talk: Jodie Richards of Beauty Haven by Jodie

By Callie Iley | 11 March 2023 | Feature, Tech Talk

Jodie richards nail tech talk header

Lover of seasonal nail styles and minimalist designs, Jodie Richards of Beauty Haven by Jodie, shares her career story with Scratch and reveals her hopes for her future in the nail industry.

Leaving school at 16, Jodie knew that she wanted to pursue beauty since her early teens. “I went straight to college to do my Level 1, 2 and 3 qualifications in beauty.

“I actually didn’t get accepted back to Level 3, because my written work wasn’t quite good enough – I’ve always been better at the practical side of things,” she remembers. “Rather than accept it, I appealed and had to be re-interviewed, stating why I deserved a spot on the course. I was so young and nervous, but I did it and I got into Level 3 and I was one of the first to finish it!”

“I would say my signature style is a clean base with minimal nail art, and I love a seasonal nail art trend,” Jodie shares. “I don’t have a style I fully stick to… I like to dabble in a bit of it all!

“My go-to product has to be the Home of Nail Art Detail Paint in Tortie. It’s a game changer, and took my torties to the next level. I also love all things MYSA Skincare. Their hand cream and cuticle oils are just divine.”

Jodie seeks inspiration from her nail designs from clothes, make-up and the seasons. “I get so inspired by a matching aesthetic – I adore when my clients come to appointments with a nail design that literally matches what they’re wearing!

“I also love being able to take inspiration from some of the most incredibly talented nail techs in the industry. My clients follow who I follow, and will bring me inspiration pictures that I’ve already seen and loved.”

“I’m always honoured to get to recreate other techs’ work with my own twist.”

“I love the nail community. Having recently attending Home Of Nail Art’s Love Your Journey event, they really have shown the industry what community really means. I love being surrounded by like-minded people who have the same goals and beliefs as me.

“Another one of my favourite things about tekking is my clients,” Jodie smiles. “I have all the time in the world for my beautiful clients. They really have my heart. I’ve formed so many amazing friendships over the years and we’ve shared so much! I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“Actually believing in myself, opening my salon, and it being successful is one of the best things I’ve ever done,” she beams. “I feel so privileged having a full client list and being surrounded by amazing colleagues, that are now my absolute best friends.

“I felt so privileged to be invited to both of Home Of Nail Art’s Launch and Love Your Journey events, and attending them has been such a highlight for me. The list could go on for days, and I feel so lucky!”

“In the future, I hope to be able to inspire and teach other nail technicians and grow my own community,” Jodie says. “I’d love to continue networking with others in the industry.

“I can’t wait to keep meeting more incredible people as I continue to grow in my career!”


Follow Beauty Haven by Jodie on Instagram.