Caitlin iley

Nail Tech Talk: Elle Fishburn of Base Coat Studio

By Callie Iley | 13 May 2023 | Feature, Tech Talk

Elle fishburn base coat studio

Base Coat Studio’s Instagram feed oozes clean girl aesthetic, with Elle Fishburn proudly displaying her minimalist nail styles and classic French designs.

Elle thrives alongside the socialisation that working as a nail tech affords her. “I love getting to see so many people a day, and it’s even better when clients become friends.

“The nail industry is a really positive place, where we all praise, uplift and support one another,” she smiles.

Operating from her home studio based in Cardiff, Wales, Elle loves serving up minimalist-inspired styles to clients, finding most of her inspiration for her nail work on Instagram.

“There are so many talented nail techs on my feed. I’m a big fan of Manchester manicurist and educator, Chels Lou of Chels Lou Nails. Her nail work is immaculate and I love her style. Her one-to-one training looks insane, and I would love to attend one day.” 

Base Coat Studio’s treatment menu includes a range of builder gel and gel polish services, with nail art add-ons including French manicures.

“I would have to say a classic French is my signature nail style,” Elle reveals. “My go-to French base shades are The GelBottle’s Builder in a Bottle shades Dolly and Dreamer.”

Elle believes that clients choose their techs based on their nail style, noting that she bonds with many of her clientele over subtle nail art and clean finishes.

My clients have become friends who come to my studio every three weeks for nails,” she smiles. 

Despite her love for natural looking, minimalistic nail finishes, Elle would characterise her personality using a fun and bold, pink nail colour.

“I’m super girly, and pink goes with everything,” she laughs.

Reflecting on her career, Elle remembers building her dream home nail studio and becoming a brand ambassador for Make Me Amazing as highlights.

In the future, she looks forward to one day being able to owning her own salon and offering training to those wanting to advance their nail work and skills.

Follow Base Coat Studio on Instagram, here.