Caitlin iley

Nail Tech Talk: Chloe Amber Slater of Titch Nails

By Callie Iley | 23 April 2022 | Feature, Tech Talk

Chloe amber slater nails header pic

Scratch chats to Chloe Amber Slater of Titch Nails about championing women in business and her love for being self-employed as a nail tech…

“I don’t think I have a signature nail style as such,” Chloe smiles. “I just really enjoy creating art with tiny details, whether that’s the small shapes and highlights in an abstract 90’s pattern, or the individual suckers on an octopus scrawling across all the nails!

“My favourite products are from The GelBottle. I’m a big believer in their Builder in a Bottle, and helping people grow strong and healthy natural nails.”

“I find a lot of my inspiration in nature and textiles,” she reveals. “While I’m out on a dog walk, I might come across a floral scene or fungus that I’ll snap a photo of.

“If I’m walking around a city seeing a throw or cushion with a pattern that catches my eye. I post inspiration finds to my Instagram stories and save them in highlights for future reference.”

“If I had to choose one colour to characterise my personality, I think it would be lilac,” Chloe beams. “It’s always been my go-to nail colour on myself.

“I find it to be calming and peaceful, but just the right amount of fun!”

“I think the most exciting thing about the nail industry is that it is a very female-dominated industry.

“It creates a huge supportive network of women,” Chloe observes. “It brings us together, instead of creating a feeling of competing against each other.”

“I love being a part of something that champions women as business owners and empowers them to be independent.”

“I have always done my own nails as a hobby as I’m a nail-biter, so as long as I have them done I will not bite them,” Chloe reveals. “But the piece of advice that changed my nail career was when I was watching a nail tutorial on YouTube with my sister-in-law, and she said, “You could do that! Why don’t you become a nail tech”!

“I had never had the confidence in myself to even consider nails being anything more than a hobby. After that, I toured a local nail school and quit my job to focus on nails full-time. I now own my own business and I’m doing something I love day in, day out, and it’s all thanks to the belief my sister-in-law had in me.”

“After getting my nail license in the USA, I worked at a nail salon for two years before moving back home to the UK. I have now been self-employed for almost a year working out of The Norfolk Beauty Rooms, with some incredible other women.

“I couldn’t imagine being employed again, as I love being in charge of my own schedule and clientele,” she explains. “As far as my next career steps, I would love to keep going as I am, as I have never been happier in a job than I am now and I don’t see that changing any time soon.”

“I hope for my future in nails to carry me through to retirement!

“I absolutely love being my own boss and creating tiny pieces of art on a daily basis,” she enthuses. “My ultimate goal is to open a salon where other nail techs could work for themselves, but we could all come together to support and inspire each other.”

Follow Titch Nails on Instagram, here.