Nail Tech Talk: Chantelle Louise Baldwin of Chantelle Louise Beauty
By Callie Iley | 02 April 2022 | Feature, Tech Talk

Scratch chats to Chantelle Louise Baldwin of Chantelle Louise Beauty about her love for nails and where she sees her future in the industry…

“I have launched knowledge and skill building courses aimed at those that have qualified, but have lost their confidence, or just want to keep up to date with recent trends,” Chantelle explains. “These courses are also amazing for anyone interested in getting into the beauty industry and would like to do taster sessions before committing to a full course.
“I am excited to share my knowledge and experience in all things nails and beauty related and hopefully inspire and help anyone interested in bettering themselves and furthering their career.”

“I absolutely love working with gel paints. I love Aztec-inspired designs, swirls, characters, theme nails and of course all things bling and sparkles! I don’t think there is anything I don’t love when it comes to nails, and I’m always up for a challenge.
“I usually have a short almond acrylic set on my own nails. I love anything anything nude or rose gold on myself – but sometimes I have a baby pink or a nice French,” she shares. “They don’t stay nice for long though! I use a bandage to wrap around my index to help prevent scuffing with the file. I keep them light in colour as I find darker colours show every scuff, so they need freshening up more often.”

“My next career steps are to develop the teaching side of my business, working towards accredited beginner courses,” Chantelle smiles. “I would absolutely love to offer courses to people who haven’t been able to go to college and are struggling for work, who are looking for a career opportunity.
“One of my goals has been to have a piece of my work printed, featured on a model or celebrity. One of the biggest dreams would be to have my work in Vogue.”

“One piece of advice that changed my career was to do something you love so it will never feel like work. That is me now – especially with nails, as I’m most in my element when my palette and brushes are out.
The thing I love most about working in the nails and beauty industry are how far we have come with the products and how the creations are endless nowadays,” she reflects. “We’re so lucky to have the product choice we have today. I also love how every day is different! We have an amazing community of nail technicians.”
“I’m lucky to be connected to some of the most talented and empowering women on earth, and even luckier to call them my friends and my inspirations.”

“The highlight of my career so far is stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on my own beauty room,” Chantelle reveals. “I have been self employed for many years, but it was only September 2020 that I took the leap and left a place I loved to take on my own room.
“I absolutely love having my own space to work from now – I pinch myself daily when I walk in and out of my room, I just love it.”

“I haven’t yet had the opportunity to work on any really famous people,” she laughs. “But I was lucky enough to give a pamper session to Diana Vickers during my time working at our local spa!
“I was also lucky enough to provide nail services to the Ex on the Beach star Helen Briggs.”

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