Nail tech & male client support British Legion with Remembrance Day nails
By Chloe Randall | 11 November 2020 | Feature

Tracie Lawson, of Beauty Boutique, Wiltshire, explains how her salon plays its part in raising money for the British Legion for Remembrance Day, and reveals more about her male client who requests nail art to commemorate the occasion…
Remembrance Sunday is a time to wear a poppy with pride and pay tribute to those who have sadly lost their lives during conflicts. For nailist, Tracie Lawson, she designs Remembrance Day nail art to raise money for the British Legion and many clients have been getting involved.

Tracie Lawson, of Beauty Boutique, Wiltshire
“With the hundredth year anniversary of World War 1 in 2014, I did a simple soldier design nail. My village posted large poppies everywhere and in our salon, we encouraged clients to paint their nails red and text a donation to the British Legion. In exchange for their donation we did all artwork free and half price for the paint. We were surprised at how many took part.”
After the offer was a great success, the salon decided to continue with it in the following years and in 2016, the local paper covered the story. It was after this when Tracie met her regular and loyal client, Ian Cleverly, who since then, has gone on to have Remembrance Day nail art every year.
“I’m in the British Legion riders and I’ve had my nails done a few years now to raise money for the poppy funds”, Ian commented.
“It started years ago when I had a very weak nail and I was advised to have L&P acrylic on my nails and it went from there. When I went to get them done, the nail technician said I would get attached to it and she was right.”
Tracie explained how Ian started getting one or two nails designed for Remembrance Day before stretching to all ten having nail art.
“When I first asked Tracie about having Remembrance nails done, she smiled and said she had plans with my nails and since then, I’ve let her get on with it” explained Ian.
“Ian’s presence in the salon hasn’t gone unnoticed and has brought in more male clients than we had previously” says Tracie.
Using INK London products as well as CND, Tracie explained how with the growth of nail products now readily available, has increased the demand for artwork, which has proven popular in her salon.
Follow Tracie & Beauty Boutique Rowde on Instagram.

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