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My experience of Academy2 for nail training

By Guest Writer | 24 January 2022 | Feature, Training

laura costello cnd plexigel

Leeds-based salon owner, Laura Costello, shares her Academy2 learning journey as she gets to grips with the CND PLEXIGEL system…

RagDoll Nails owner, Laura Costello, has always been a fan of the CND™ brand. Her foray into the nail world kicked off with the CND™ Complete course in 2013, courtesy of Sweet Squared. She enjoyed it so much that she changed her plans from that of a nail hobbyist to become a full-time pro, and as her client base grew over the years, she moved from a small studio to a spacious location in Leeds City Centre.

“I first noted the CND™ brand when I joined my mum at her nail appointments,” Laura reveals. “I was fascinated by how CND™ L&P was applied by her nail professional every fortnight and as my interest in nails grew, I discovered Sweet Squared. I was drawn to the focus the company puts on high quality education and its relationships with pros, as well as with the CND™ brand.

“It’s of the utmost importance to me to use products that I trust to be safe and reliable in my salon, and I get that sense of security with CND™ products and Sweet Squared’s training.”

On learning about Academy2, the education epicentre from Sweet Squared launched in autumn 2021, Laura seized the opportunity to enhance her knowledge of CND™ PLEXIGEL, the brush-in-a-bottle system that aids strength, protects nails and supports long wear.

Academy2 combines online learning, in-classroom hours and masterclasses to personalise the learning journey. “It can be difficult to arrange time for training outside of busy salon life, so the way the platform splits courses between home-based and in-person learning minimises my time away from clients,” Laura explains.

“I was able to carry out the theory for my chosen course at my own pace around my commitments, and the time I did take away from the salon was dedicated to in-person, practical training.”

“I believe this is essential, as face-to-face time with Sweet Squared’s education ambassadors is invaluable. You can pick up so many things in the classroom that you can’t in a virtual session, and the way Academy2 balances these approaches means that I can manage my learning without compromising its quality.”


“I chose the SWITCHING.2 PLEXIGEL course as I wanted to understand the CND™ system properly and ensure my application and knowledge was up to scratch. Although I have previously tried PLEXIGEL, the timings of its launch between lockdowns meant that I hadn’t had chance to fully understand the differences between the products in the system.

“I wanted to explore how PLEXIGEL would fit into the service offering at RagDoll Nails, so I thought it would be a good choice for my first Academy2 experience.”

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“Signing onto an Academy2 course is so straightforward. Sweet Squared has listed all its courses on-site with an overview of the product or system, the kit included, what’s needed and application requirements.

“You simply add the course to your basket, checkout, and await welcome emails which contain a link to the platform. You can then set up your account and begin the course straight away if desired.”


“To unlock the PLEXIGEL course, I had to first complete a Heath & Safety module which detailed fundamental topics such as salon hygiene, medical conditions, rules and regulations. I was then able to move onto the PLEXIGEL course.

“The online content at this stage is very in-depth and contains short tests to complete at each stage. After introducing PLEXIGEL and its components; Bonder, Shaper, Builder and Protector Top Coat, it details consultation and prep practices, supporting with demo videos which, as a visual learner, I found very helpful.

laura costello cnd plexigel

“The next stage focused on the science behind the system, including polymerisation, curing and how to manage exothermic reactions. This built a foundation of knowledge before I moved onto the application processes as an overlay and using tips and forms, again accompanied by images and videos, which can be watched back multiple times.

“Next up was a troubleshooting section, which details issues to consider and how to avoid them. Once complete, I was able to book my practical training day through the listed dates and locations in the online system.”


“The practical class supported everything I had learned in the online theory stage, referring back to the demo videos I had watched. It gave me the chance to put my knowledge into practice with the support of EA, Victoria Trafford.

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“The flow of the class followed the storyline of the theory, so I began with prep before moving onto overlay, tip and form application with the Shaper and Builder with Protector Top Coat to finish. I learnt so much from this classroom session as Victoria could monitor my work closely and advise not only on PLEXIGEL application, but offer additional tips.”


“Following the practical class, I am required to produce case studies in order to complete the course and earn my certificate. Again, this can be done at my own pace, however having completed the theory and practical, I am eager to complete the course and receive my certificate.”

case study


“I really enjoyed the structure of the course. Carrying out the theory in my own time prior to the practical session gave me the chance to digest the information, so I felt comfortable going into the classroom.

“SWITCHING.2 PLEXIGEL has shown me how the different products in the system can solve issues we come across in the salon, such as using Shaper to resolve a break in the natural nail. The course has also given me a chance to brush up on my knowledge of health & safety.

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“The platform is so easy to use and there are great features, including the progress tab, which showed the stages of the course completed. I found this really helpful when planning my schedule for the week. Academy2 has been designed with the learner in mind and I felt the support of the education ambassadors while I was learning at my own pace.”

To find out more about Academy2 courses & how to enrol, visit

Follow Laura Costello on Facebook & Instagram.