How to tackle loneliness & self-doubt in the nail industry
By Scratch Staff | 14 June 2024 | Expert Advice, Feature, Health & wellbeing

Your role sees you care for the nail needs of others, but are you looking after your own wellbeing?
In an industry with a large portion of solo workers, there’s never been a better excuse to stay connected.
“Feeling lonely isn’t in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly linked.
“Having a mental health problem increases your chance of feeling lonely, and feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health,” states the website of registered mental health charity, Mind.
While you may be surrounded with clients all day, running a solo business brings pressure. Try and identify when you feel lonely. Do certain people make you feel more lonely when you are around them?
Consider booking a course to learn a new skill to add to your treatment offering. Loneliness and self-doubt can creep into all aspects of life, but the stresses of work can heighten these feelings. Turn these negative feelings into actions. Practise the skill you’re worried about, book yourself onto a course, or speak to your educator or brand. Help is always on hand.
“Celebrate your successes.”
Accept compliments and celebrate your successes. Keep an album of the work you’re most proud of on your phone, to look through when you’re doubting your ability. Also, listen to clients’ feedback and praise. It sounds simple, but keeping lovely comments in mind or screenshotted from social media can give you a boost.
While it comes with its own pressures, social media allows us to connect with the nail industry around the world. Embrace the positive aspects and join the conversation in groups, forums and beyond. Consider seeking out local networking events for businesses in your area, too. You never know who you might meet.
Did you know you can check the calendar section of the Scratch website to see a range of industry events? From training days and trade exhibitions to brand open days and competitions, each event presents the opportunity to meet fellow pros and boost your confidence.
For help and information from Mind, visit www.mind.org.uk

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