Meet the fathers that have found fame in the nail industry

By Helena Biggs | 19 June 2021 | Feature, Tech Talk

Fathers day nails feature

Scratch puts the spotlight on famous nail industry dads & finds out more about them from their offspring…

SAMUEL SWEET, co-founder/CEO, Sweet Squared, & his son, Dexter

Samuel Sweet has always been creative and, showing a talent for artistry, he was invited to work at his great aunt’s salon and learn the art of nails. He showed a natural talent for the craft and was approached by CND™ to be an educator for the brand. “My dad was able to travel the world educating nail professionals and he met my mum, Samantha, at a CND™ bootcamp in Leeds,” Dexter reveals. “My parents created Sweet Squared 14 years ago and my dad is heavily involved in the decision making process and strategies, as well as programming to help with Sweet Squared’s IT systems.”

“Growing up with a dad in the nail industry has meant I have had the privilege and opportunity go to events and meet people, and it’s been awesome to hear so many interesting stories from a very young age,” Dexter continues. “I think it’s good for me to have grown up and been surrounded by entrepreneurs and professionals. I have been able to develop relationships with some amazing people over the years.

“My dad has always been good at engaging people and bringing the best out of those he works with. It has made me very proud of him, as well as my mum, who really do champion Love & Respect for the people who they work with – as well as their customers.”


DANNY HAILE & DAVID DANIEL, business partners – Nail Alliance, and their respective daughters, Morgan Haile and Taylor Daniel Mohoroski

Nail Alliance – North America was established in 2009 by Danny Haile, CEO and founder, who had made a name for himself on the nail competition circuit worldwide. His passion for nails led to product development, and, fuelled by the idea of merging gel application with a bottle, he launched Gelish Soak-Off Gel Polish in 2009, supported by his cousin and business partner, David Daniel.

Danny and David then went on to launch lacquer line, Morgan Taylor, named after Danny’s daughter, Morgan, and David’s daughter, Taylor. “Our dads were trying to come up with a nail polish brand name and they thought about putting our names together,” Morgan reveals in an interview with Salon Services. “I remember getting the phone call and we were like, are we really going to do this? Taylor and I were both just out of high school and were very young and we had to learn how to manage a brand but were keen to grab the opportunity!”

Morgan and Taylor have followed their fathers into the family business and represent the brand worldwide and in the press. They have been seen to frequent the judging panel at global Nailympia competitions. “I grew up around trade shows and listening to my dad talk about nails, give presentations and test products,” Morgan continues. “As I got older, I became more exposed to it and Taylor and I working for the brand is a natural fit. Our brothers also work in international sales for Nail Alliance, so it’s a family company.

“My dad is my biggest inspiration in business and personally. I always go to him for big decisions. He started off from a humble beginning, and he decided to really make something of himself. He has a lot of success, but he has always remembered where he came from.”


TOM BACHIK, celebrity man-icurist, and his daughter Zoie

Zoie Bachik has inherited her father’s creative streak and is a dancer, often seen showing off her playful side with Tom on TikTok. The 22-year old features regularly on her dad’s Instagram feed alongside his A-List clients; Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Hailee Steinfeld, showcasing various nail designs by her famous dad.

Tom, who also has two sons with wife Liz, has been known to take Zoie to high profile events for brands including OPI and Tweezerman.


JIM NORDSTROM, co-founder of Famous Names, and his daughter Niki

Jim Nordstrom began his career as co-founder of CND™ before founding Famous Names alongside wife, Linda. Their daughter, Niki, has followed them into the business – working across logistics and marketing. She lives in Las Vegas and can often be spotted working alongside parents at trade shows across the globe.

“Growing up in the nail world was always exciting,” Niki reveals. “I can remember coming home to new concoctions in the kitchen from my dad’s makeshift R&D lab. Shows are also always fun with him, too. His nickname in the industry is ‘Mr. Nightcap’ and he LOVES to shut down the bar no matter where he is in the world. He has been known to corrupt a few of us!

“My dad’s role is ‘Boss Man’ – he does a little bit of everything. He makes all major financial decisions, does some marketing, strategic planning, R&D work (his passion), works at trade shows and sets up at shows – although he isn’t the best at doing that!

“He has achieved quite a lot, but the one thing that has made me so proud is how family orientated he is. My dad wanted my sister and I to work in the industry and I understand why, as it’s really special to work with your family on a day-to-day basis. He loves hearing our input and ideas and really makes us feel valued in our family business.

“I knew I was meant for the beauty industry when I could do a full acrylic set by the age of 10! One of my favourite things is working next to my dad. Every day is a school day with him and he has great connections. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some fabulous people thanks to my dad and another great perk is that he always has fun new products for the family to try from his industry buddies!”

JIM MCCONNELL, co-founder of Light Elegance Nail Products, and his daughter, Lexy Mclellan

Family and chemistry is at the heart of the Light Elegance brand; founded by chemist, Jim McConnell, and wife Lezlie, a former luxury salon owner. Their daughter, Lexy and her husband, Joseph McLellan, have joined the fold, and uphold the core pillars of the brand; chemistry, quality and community for the next generation of users.

Lexy appears in videos for the brand’s new collections alongside her mum, and the Lexy line of six hard gel products in shades to suit all skin tones, was named after her.