Margaret Dabbs shares 10 ways to look after feet in the heat

By Sophie Nutt | 24 July 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature

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Margaret Dabbs, foot expert and CEO of Margaret Dabbs London, shares her advice on how to take care of feet in this heatwave…

How can heat negatively affect the heat?
The warm weather can cause feet to swell as the veins dilate in an attempt to keep the body cool, resulting in an increase in the blood flow to the lower limbs and extra fluid being ‘pooled’ at the ankles and feet. This puts the skin of the feet under tension, which becomes reddened, swollen and taught and the added heat can cause sweat glands to overstimulate. Closed shoes will become tight and sweat bacteria will form, which can lead to odour. The skin that comes under pressure from the excess fluid will become dehydrated and tight footwear can rub, which can cause build up, blisters and cracks. The added salt on the skin from the sweat can weaken the tissues and cause cracks to open.

What are your top 10 ways to help feet beat the heat?

  1. Try and keep out of the heat if you are prone to swollen legs and ankles.
  2. Use Margaret Dabbs London Foot Cleansing Wipes. These work to bring down the body temperature as well as removing the sweat and odour from the feet. Scented with Lemon Myrtle and containing Witch Hazel they will refresh and revive the feet.
  3. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
  4. Exercise will help with circulation and the return of the blood (which is pooled in the feet and ankles) to the heart.
  5. Don’t cover up sweaty feet – it will just encourage the growth of bacterial and fungal foot conditions. It is much better to wear open shoes.
  6. If you are prone to sweat feet and odour use the Margaret Dabbs London Soothing Foot Powder every day to keep feet fresh and odour-free. The fine silky powder will help to stop blisters appearing as well as helping to treat bacterial and fungal conditions of the skin.
  7. Try a fresh mint foot bath at home. Simply take a couple of handfuls of mint sprigs and first add cool water to the mint in the foot bowl to bring out the scent and preserve the antioxidants, and then add tepid water and bathe the feet for 15-20 minutes.
  8. Elevate the legs to help disperse the fluid.
  9. Get up and move around regularly to help reduce fluid build-up.
  10. Margaret Dabbs London Intensive Hydrating Foot Lotion has anti-inflammatory benefits and will help to soothe and rehydrate the bones, joints and skin and treat dehydration and callus as well as feel silky smooth. Use this daily to create that incredible ‘walking on air’ experience while treating the feet.