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How to apply tanning products perfectly

By Guest Writer | 16 March 2018 | Expert Advice, Feature, Technique

Kissed by mii exfoliating gloves

Kissed by Mii tanning expert, Shelley Henderson, explains why it’s all in the prep step when it comes to the perfect tan…

Whether you’re delivering a smooth, streak-free tan in the tanning booth or teaching your clients techniques to guarantee great results at home – it’s important to prep the skin and smooth it before the tanning process.

Advise clients on how to prepare their skin before their appointment. They should exfoliate and shave or wax 24 hours before the treatment, and shower on the morning of. I suggest ‘double exfoliation’, applying Seriously Smoothing Exfoliator to lift off the dead skin cells, and then use Seriously Smoothing Exfoliating Gloves for harder-to-reach areas, such as in between the toes, around the cuticles, along the wrist area and soles of the feet. The gloves add an extra level of exfoliation leaving skin supple, smooth and perfectly pampered and prepped before tanning application.

Our Seriously Smooth Exfoliating Wipes are quick and easy to use and are particularly useful if a client has forgotten to exfoliate prior to their treatment or if there are no showering facilities. The Wipes are also great for removing excess tan in between the fingers, on the palms or over the wrists.

I’ve lost count of how many times I have heard a therapist say, “My client’s feet have gone too dark and I don’t know why.” Tan tends to grab on to the drier areas of skin, particularly the feet and ankles. So, when it comes to the feet, I always suggest exfoliating first and then coating the whole foot (not just the toenails) in an oil-free moisturiser, such as Seriously Smoothing Moisturiser to dilute the tan immediately before a spray tan treatment. The same process should also be carried out on other dry areas such as the knees, elbows and wrists.

Another overlooked but essential item in a tanner’s kit is the Effortlessly Easy Tanning Mitt. Not only does it protect your palms, it evenly distributes product to help give a flawless, professional finish. It is better to apply more product than you think you need to ensure no skin is missed – if too little is applied it can cause patchiness. For example, for an arm I suggest three pumps of mousse onto the mitt, working the tan up and down and around the arm, until evenly distributed.

Within a professional treatment, if a client’s body temperature is too hot or too cold, the tan can sometimes not absorb fully into the skin, so an Effortlessly Easy Perfecting Mitt can be used to brush tan from hair follicles or patted into skin to remove any overspray.

Don’t forget to recommend that your client moisturises every day and exfoliates four days after a professional tan to help their colour fade evenly, avoiding any products that contain oil as they will cause the premature breakdown of tan. Always remember to wash gloves and mitts regularly to avoid bacteria build up – if you look after them, they’ll look after you!

Love Shelley x

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