According the Office for National Statistics’ Crime Survey for England and Wales, last year saw an 8% increase in overall theft offences estimated. While the survey noted a 3% decrease in burglaries, the adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ still rings true. Saving both time and money in the long run, investing in security measures could protect your livelihood – and your earnings.
“Keep your money either well-hidden at work or in a till,” advise Liz Richards, beauty business expert at www.lizmckeon.com. “Also, your clients do not want to see you putting cash in a purse. This could change how they perceive the business and where the money goes.
“Try to bank regularly so that you do not have wads of cash on you when entering and leaving the building.”
Consider assigning one staff member to use the cash register all day, helping to eliminate thefts or mistakes. If cash has to be stored overnight, invest in a certified safe. Also, consider carefully the location of your till. Is it in sight? Is it in an area frequently unmanned? Is it located too near the front door?
“Encourage clients to pay by card,” says Liz McKeon. “Reducing the amount of cash being handled is a simple and effective technique to avoid mistakes and also to reduce the opportunity for potential theft. It also streamlines your accounting and saves time at the end of the day. Imagine being a cashless business and not having to cash up every day! This advice applies to single operators, mobile and larger businesses. Empty your till regularly, and when lodging cash, vary the time and route to the bank.”
When it comes to salon keys, be sure that only trusted, nominated staff have access to them. Be sure to check regularly that none are missing. If some are, change your locks immediately.
Read more salon security tips in the June issue of Scratch magazine!

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