Keen to boost your profits? Salon expert shares pricing calculator & course for beauty pros
By Helena Biggs | 11 September 2023 | Business, Feature, Salon & Spas, Technology

Are you struggling to calculate your outgoings and wondering why your sums are leaving you short each month? Try the handy pricing calculator and course from Maddi Cook, a salon business expert & owner of Boss Your Salon.
Maddi, a finalist in the 2023 Scratch Stars Awards for Services to the Nail Industry, has worked with over 15,000 hair and beauty pros, on her mission to change how the industry is valued. Boss Your Salon helps empower such pros to price perfectly, set boundaries and grow without burnout.
She comments: “When you first started your hair or beauty ‘biz, and the time came to decide on your prices, you may have asked in Facebook groups, scoped out the local competition or pulled some numbers out of thin air, because they ‘felt right’. Then, you might have increased them a little each year… or you might not have (and be living to regret it).
“Now, it may feel like you work and work, but there never seems to be much money left over at the end of the month. Or, you might be making a decent living, but you have no idea what your margins are, how much your overheads are, or how much money you’re making per hour. All you need are the right tools and a step-by-step process which is super easy to follow.”
Maddi’s Boss Your Profits subscription is available annually, or as a lifetime membership, and includes:
- Pricing Calculator App – designed for use on phones, tablets and laptops, this is easy to use and helps calculate your margins via your outgoings.
- Online Course – This teaches pricing tactics, from how to work out how much money you need to make, to how to word a price increase announcement and everything in between.
- Facebook Support Group access – The perfect place to visit when you need support, featuring over 1,000 hair and beauty bosses.
The course is online and ideal for both salon owners and self-employed beauty pros. “Whether you are VAT registered or not, the system still works and gives exact, correct figures,” shares Maddi. “The course is self-paced so you can work through it in your own time.”
Sign up to the Boss Your Profits – Pricing Calculator course by clicking here.

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