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How to perfect tortoiseshell nail art using The GelBottle Inc

By Guest Writer | 10 June 2021 | Expert Advice, Feature

Tortie feature

The GelBottle Inc’s resident nail technician, Helena Marimon, shares how to create tortoiseshell nail art…

I advise using a layering method, first coined by TGB brand ambassador, Amy Rickaby.

  1. Start your design off with strong nail prep, ensuring cuticles are removed from the nail to enable perfect polish application.
  2. Apply Vanilla as base for your Tortie design.
  3. Next, apply TGB Blooming Gel & TGB Glass Yellow, this is one of the most essential aspects of a Tortie design, as the layering of a translucent yellow will help to blend the brown dots of your nail art later.
  4. With a TGB Round Gel Brush, mix TGB shades Chocolate and Jet Black to create the deep, dark Tortie patches.
  5. Dab your custom mix in varying tortoiseshell shapes across your nails using the TGB Round Gel Brush. It can be tempting when creating your brown Tortie shapes to make them the same on each nail. However, I find that altering your Tortie design on each nail gives a more authentic tortoiseshell look.
  6. Finish your look with your favourite TGB Top Coat – I find that Extreme Shine Top Coat gives the most beautiful glossy finish, similar to a real tortoiseshell!

TGB’s Tortie Kit is available to purchase here.