How to nail the perfect engagement ‘ringfie’
By Guest Writer | 23 September 2021 | Expert Advice, Feature

Taking a ‘ringfie’, or ring selfie, is the perfect way to remember the moment you got engaged. But how can you take the perfect ‘ringfie’? Jack Jahan, from Ramsdens Jewellery, explains how to take the best shot of your new bling…
If you’ve just become engaged, congratulations! This is one of the most exciting times in your life, so you’ll want to celebrate it with the perfect ‘ringfie’, or ring selfie. Capturing a photo of your engagement ring will commemorate the moment — plus, it’s the ideal way to show off your new sparkler to friends and family on social media, too.
But, there’s something of an art to taking a great selfie — whether it involves an engagement ring or not. So, how can you take the best picture to capture this important moment? Here, I’ll take you through my tips for snapping a great ‘ringfie’.
1. Try different camera angles
We all have different angles that suit us, and angles that don’t. So, take the time to try out a variety of camera angles to find one that flatters your hands, and your face if it’s in the picture too. The most common angle for any kind of selfie is a head-on one, but plenty of people’s faces are more flattered by more side-on angles.
You should also consider whether you’re going to have a close-up of your hand, or whether you’ll hold up your hand so both your face and the ring are featured. Play around and decide what looks best, and then try a few different shots using your best angles until you take one you really like.
2. Lighting is everything
Every selfie is only as good as the lighting it is taken in. This is the case for ring selfies too. Good natural lighting is normally best as it is more even, and many cite the so-called ‘golden hour’ before sunset as the ideal time to take a selfie, as the light will be warm and bright. If you don’t want to take your selfie outdoors, try standing or sitting close to a window.
The secret to making your ring really sparkle is to have multiple light sources around it. If you’ve ever seen diamond jewellery shining in a shop window, you’ll notice that the pieces are lit by light sources from different angles. This light catches the facets in the jewels, creating the sparkling “fire” effect that makes them look so magical.
You can achieve this effect yourself by taking your ‘ringfie’ in a place where there is light coming in from windows in different directions. You can also combine this with the light on your phone, or a strategically placed lamp or two, to get your ring shimmering beautifully.
3. Strike a pose
The pose is the focus of your picture, so spend time practising and figuring one which pose feels comfortable. The key here is to show off your ring, so draw attention to your jewellery by resting your hand against a prop or your chin — just make sure that your fingers are relaxed, or the pose will look forced. You can slightly tilt your hand to mask any pores or hair on your hands too, as tilting them in even lighting will detract from them.
You can also get your partner involved. If they did the proposing, they could pose on bended knee, or kiss your hand. Try a variety of poses — some with you on your own, and some involving your partner in the photo — to find one that you like.
4. Make your hands ready for their close-up
When you’re taking a selfie that just focuses on your hands, it’s important to make sure that your hands and nails look photo-ready. Try scheduling a manicure ahead of your ‘ringfie’ photo shoot, and think about what kind of nail art or nail shape would complement your ring.
Make sure to stick with neutral colours however, as bright designs will take attention away from your engagement ring. French manicures and understated colours that complement your skin tone will be more timeless, and they will also make the diamonds or coloured stones in your ring really pop.
5. Compose photos around the ring
Of course, the centre of your ‘ringfie’ is the engagement ring. When you’re composing your photos, and deciding where to take the picture, you can arrange things to draw more attention to your ring. Take off any other jewellery during the shoot to ensure your engagement diamond is the focal point.
By using a plainer background such as a blue sky, or a neutral setting like a blank wall in your house, you can encourage people to focus on the ring as well, instead of people being distracted by your surroundings. Consider giving a close-up of the ring as well, to really show it off.
Arranging your dream ‘ringfie’ can be a little tricky, but if you learn what angles and poses work for you, and choose the best times in the day for lighting, you should end up with some stunning snaps. Enjoy setting up the photos, and see it as a part of the journey you’ve just begun towards getting married!

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