How to make the most of an Instagram story
By Scratch Staff | 28 August 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature
Tammy Koslowski, owner of Glasgow’s award-winning NAF! Salon (and winner of the Scratch Stars Best Use of Social Media award 2017 & 2018) shares her social media tips & tricks…
Remember when Instagram stories used to only last 24 hours? Now you can get old story posts from your archive and add them to the highlight reel on your profile! I think this is a really cool feature for business accounts because it means all the hard work you spend creating engaging stories can be kept to build your brand image.
All you need to do is click the little heart that pops up when you re-watch your stories on the day or in your archive, and create a new folder or pop it into one you’ve already made. You can change what’s in each highlight, change the name and cover picture by hitting ‘more’ and ‘edit highlight’. We’ve categorised our highlights into:
Nails – This is where we save all of our best-of-the-best nail pics and videos.
The Salon – To showcase our lovely home and some of our clients and events.
#NAFIA – Funny pictures and videos of our team.
Dogs of NAF! – All the lovely dogs clients bring in to visit and our very own NAF! pooch, Betty.
Products – Pictures and videos of our NAF! Stuff products.
You could also use your highlights to answer FAQ’s, showcase your menu and prices, shout about new services or anything else that you see fit!