How to look after your posture when pedicuring
By Kat Hill | 29 January 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature

When carrying out pedicures, it is import to ensure you’re also looking after yourself and your posture. Here, we reveals some tips to consider…
Consider a footstool with a back rest for yourself that is adjustable in height to help see your back straight and supported. When using the stool, best sure to sit straight, with your feet on the floor for balance. Sit back to benefit from the back rest’s support.
Invest in a footrest to bear the weight of your client’s leg, rather than resting their foot in your lap. This will help limit the pressure on you, but also ensure the client’s foot is at good workable height for you. Don’t be afraid to ask your client to bend or slightly adjust their position to help you, too.
“Avoid twisting or leaning into your work.”
Check your posture; avoid twisting or leaning into your work as this can result in strain on the lower back, shoulders and neck. Instead use a foot rest and your the adjustable height of your stool to keep your client’s foot in the best possible position. Also consider a portable lamp to ensure your working space is well-lit to help avoid you leaning in.
Also, be aware of how you hold your tools while you work. Getting into bad habits can lead to conditions such as Cumulative Trauma Disorder and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If you’re growing concerned about an ache or pain, always visit a professional.

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