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How to deal with stress

By Scratch Staff | 31 January 2019 | Expert Advice, Feature

Phone nails

When you’re back-to-back with appointments and rushed off your feet in the salon or on the move, your work life can sometimes feel a little daunting. To help promote calmness in his tekking career, session nail stylist, Robbie Tomkins, recommends meditation.

Robbie Tomkins

“I’ve been meditating for around three years. It allows me to pause and take some time out of the day to calm my busy mind.” – Robbie Tomkins

“I have and continue to suffer with anxiety from time to time and find it really helps. I was introduced to meditation by a friend and have to admit that at first I thought it was all a bit of a gimmick. I was told about an app, Headspace. It has a free 10-day starter course so I downloaded it and gave it a go. By the end of those 10 days I felt so great that I subscribed for the whole year.

“Now, I try to set aside 10 minutes every morning to meditate. Sometimes life gets in the way so I try not to be too hard on myself if I miss a day or two.  I meditate at home but will more often do it on the tube or bus if I’m in a rush. I used to feel strange sitting with my eyes closed in public but soon realised nobody cares as they are busy doing their own thing.”


“Meditation doesn’t need to be structured or strict,” reveals Robbie. “It can simply involve closing your eyes wherever you are and counting your breath to five when things get a little busy. Someone once said to me the only way to meditate incorrectly is not to do it at all.”