It can be tough to return to work in January following an over-indulgent festive period where days my have been spent in pyjamas and the ‘it’s Christmas!‘ excuse used perhaps a little too often. The days are still dark and it can be a challenge to leave a warm bed to go to work on the cold, frosty mornings. All staff members go through periods where they may suffer and struggle to motivate themselves to get back into work after a sluggish festive period with friends and family. Luckily, we’ve gathered some top tips from industry experts to help banish those January blues and boost staff morale to make sure that you make the most of the New Year and start as you mean to go on.
Host regular meetings
Jennifer Linton and Joanna Macdonald, co-directors of Linton & Mac, say…
“We believe that communication is key and hold regular appraisals, interim meetings, and even mid-week meetings that help our stylists achieve their goals. We also hold a team ‘buzz meeting’ every Friday morning before the salon opens. This is hosted as an extended family meeting on the first Friday of every month, at which a different member of the team shares what they have learned at a training day or passes on some knowledge or information.”
Set goals
Rose Sterling, founder of Go Gorgeous Online, says…
“Working through your staff members’ personal goals will help you to understand and support their future ambitions, allowing you to work together to achieve them. KPIs will help you to track and monitor performance. They will also help to make your key business objectives clear to your staff, giving them clear targets to work towards daily.”
Consider wellbeing
Monika Shine, UK CEO of Semilac, says…
“I truly care about my team’s wellbeing and I want them to stay happy. I encourage them to eat healthily and bring in their own prepared lunches rather than opting for convenience food. I also encourage them to dress smartly to help boost confidence because how you look and feel is really important, especially in the beauty business!”
Be considerate
Hannah Potter, founder of Clinic Creators, says…
“For the ultimate boost in staff morale, treat your team how you’d like to be treated. It’s actually the most simple and effective way to attract success in life. If you wouldn’t like something, then the chances are that your team won’t either.
“Life is precious and considering people spend more time at work than they do with their family and friends, work life should feel positive, challenging, rewarding and balanced, otherwise staff will look for alternative environments. We are humans, not robots, after all! If you want maximum productivity, you need happy staff, who feel motivated, challenged and have a clear direction so they know that what they are contributing is making a positive different to the company.”
Prioritise training
Kirsty Bridgeman, head of beauty at Westrow Skipton, says…
“One of the key focus areas of a successful salon is proactive training offerings. Invest in staff by sending them on training courses or advancing their treatment knowledge through attending trade shows. By devoting time to advancing your team and making sure they are up-to-date with the latest innovations, they will feel a valued part of the business and motivated to do the best job possible, as well as excited about any upcoming in-salon treatments or advances.”
Read more top tips for how to boost staff morale in the January 2018 issue of Scratch!